400 musicians (and a children’s choir) perform Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall”

Originally published at: 400 musicians (and a children's choir) perform Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" | Boing Boing


More is not always better. Got 10 seconds into the video, nope.

Last time I took part in a flash mob, we didn’t all have the same t-shirts and have ready to play drum kits spontaneously appear… but whatever.

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Very cool of them to spread the joy of music. But can it really be called a flash mob if they have to set up dozens of drum kits, let alone stage and speakers and so on.

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This video just showed me how much the pandemic has messed me up.

My first thought was what a rocking’ superspreader event. I wonder what they could be protesting in 2021 by singing the world’s most famous anti-authority/authoritarian anthem? Surely not Viktor Orban.

Then I checked, and holy cats! I got my first vaccine dose nearly two years ago to the day! I don’t know if these participants were vaccinated, or even had access to vaccines. It was still probably a superspreader event.

I think I may forever be in “Pandemic Mode.”

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The Wall is a lot of things, but “joyful” :thinking:

I was referring to the expressed purpose of the group, not their choice of leitmotif in this particular video. :slight_smile:

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