433% mechanical keyboard

I could totally rock this keyboard.

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Pah. Amateur.

It has the orthonormal thing going on the Modern typification but is essentially Incel in design aesthetic. Pair with dual vertical mousepads, I guess.

Or steer it Incel Postmodern by spraying it and the RasPi with Corrosion X and bathing with them, maybe in soymilk or ice or coffee grounds if you want to watch Matt Barney films.

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I rock one of those mouses with a dozen buttons on the side, (not a gamer either) - at this point it’s nigh inconceivable to operate without at the very least ctrl-c, ctrl-v, space, enter and ctrl-n and maybe alt-tab at nearest thumb or middle finger twitch. There are also further depths of keybindings setup for specific CAD applications and editing suites - but that gets a bit more idiosyncratic.

There is certain cost function associated with scale of button-per-function interfaces, the “neuro-absorbtion” investment period needed to integrate such an extensive and specific map - to really get the muscle-memory pay off for the cognitive burn-in period one of these entails (at the exclusion of any other competing maps), one must be spending a very high proportion of their existence in that particular context. (I’ve yet to find myself in that position, too much switching between different disimilar systems).

And here’s me deciding what to remap to be the new backspace key cos I spilled wine on my laptop.

Monotype machines easily beat Linotypes in terms of keyboard size.

AFAIK that’s because the Linotype would handle italics and such through a magazine selection lever while the monotype had a keyboard for each, since it had to communicate that information to a separate machine via paper tape.

I agree with everyone here, though. Linotypes are amazing pieces of machinery.


To whom it may concern:
Yes, I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Fujii
Google Search Quality Team.


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I bet there still isn’t an “any key” on there.


When we all have neural implants, keyboards will be collectibles like chastity belts.

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