502 errors again

Just me? If not I can post timestamps and threads.

It’s double-post city!

ha… whats going on, haproxy logs are saying all is fine … logs are saying all is fine, can you link to examples?

Rob’s ant city one, and Brainspore in the privilege thread.

I can post, but it doesn’t come up straight away, just says ‘saving’.

Don’t you love unreproducible bugs and race conditions?

I’ll post some more inane jokes, see if I can reproduce.

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Ooh, right now, saving took 25 seconds.

I can’t reproduce now. NSA slicing the cables…?

I will have a look at more logs, let me know if this starts happening again.

Grr… My toolchain doesn’t work well on my phone. I’ll update with logs if I can get them. Everything I’d working fine now.

(Am I the cause of the outage?!)

Ad I tell my staff, there is no fire drill :slight_smile: