5G radio waves are a poor choice for death rays

B-b-b-ut a famous TV star told me it’s true! https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-no-evidence-to-support-woody-harrelsons-claim-that-5g-and-covid-19-are-linked/507-2a560cb3-080d-47d4-8c81-56440ce0e88e


It won’t even vaccinate gay frogs against chemtrails

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Yeah. Cities with high population densities have 5G repeaters and coronavirus cases. Couldn’t possibly be the population. Oh, no. It must be the lower power that’s doing it.


Damn. More populous places are more populous. Alert the media!




The brim on the tinfoil fedora is quite hard to fold into style properly. :woman_shrugging:t3:


From UV, basically nothing. The cockpit windows will block it out (I suppose it would be a small problem in an open cockpit aircraft, but mountaineers do fine with extra sun cream).
What is a (very small) risk for aircrews is the increased cosmic radiation they receive (which will go right through the thin aluminium skin of a typical aircraft). Generally, for an average worker (eg crew on a commercial route) they will get a dose of roughly 3mSv/year, where a background dose is more like 1mSv/year. The limit is usually set at 20mSv/year. This means that they actually get a larger dose than would be allowed for (eg) a worker at a nuclear plant, and in the US at least, aircrew are counted as ‘radiation workers’.

As for how much of a problem this is, well, it not generally much of one. Depending on where you live in the world, your background radiation maybe a similar level (eg if you live somewhere with a lot of Radon, or if you live very high up). The dose aircrew receive will vary a lot, depending on how much they fly, how high, and what latitudes they usually fly at. Solar flares will also bump it up.
There is an increase in the rates for various kinds of cancer for flight crews, but it’s at a level that it’s difficult to disentangle from other possible causes.


Here’s some supplemental information on the lead author of that paper. (Sorry, only one of them oneboxes.)


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Well, you are correct that the author of the Electrosmog paper is the same Trevor Marshall of the Marshall Protocol, which Crislip denigrates in his 2009 article. Interesting that he compares T. Marshall’s “discovery” with the revelation that H. pylori was the cause of stomach ulcers , a fact that he pours water on as being to some extent a “known thing”. I do recall however that at the time it was indeed a big deal as it required the medical profession to take a complete u-turn and won the authors of that discovery a Nobel Prize - one of whom was Barry Marshall (no relation). To quote Trevor Marshal in 2006. " I had the opportunity to chat with Barry and Adrienne (about our work here) in some detail.

Adrienne told me that Barry has published a book “Helicobacter Pioneers.” He has asked all the groups who published about bacteria in stomach ulcers to write a chapter along the theme “how I discovered bacteria in ulcers before Barry Marshall.” Which I think is an amazingly magnanimous gesture."

In his refutation, Crislip goes on to state “You have not heard of Trevor Marshall? Often the fate of originality is to languish in obscurity.”

So who is he?
Dr Trevor Marshall BE, ME, PhD

Adjunct Professor

About me

A 1974 graduate of the University of Adelaide, South Australia, Trevor Marshall was additionally awarded a Masters degree in 1978. In 1985 he graduated Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia, with the thesis topic: ‘Insulin metabolism in Diabetes.’ During the ‘1970s he had taught Engineering at the Institute of Technology in Lae, Papua New Guinea, and at W.A.I.T., now Curtin University, in Western Australia. He transitioned to Bioengineering in 1978, teaching at the University of Western Australia. In 1981 he was a visiting scientist at the Department of Surgery, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He moved to California in 1982. He is currently Director of the Autoimmunity Research Foundation in Thousand Oaks, California and an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Murdoch University, in Western Australia. He is currently best known for his discoveries in Translational Metagenomics and Autoimmune Disease. His treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases has became known as the Marshall Protocol (MP). Collaborative research with Ted Keogh’s group at Sir Charles Gairdner in the 1980’s led to successful therapies for cryptorchidism, male and female infertility, and diabetes. He has won US FDA designations for minocycline and clindamycin in the treatment of sarcoidosis, and is currently steering the new drug product “Pure Olmesartan” through FDA review. Trevor has chaired sessions at international congresses on Autoimmunity, Genomics, and Neurology. Many of the conference presentations are archived at www.YouTube.com/DrTrevorMarshall . Trevor’s personal website is www.TrevorMarshall.com

I am not endorsing the Marshall Protocol which I only read about this morning, or his paper on Electrosmog. Just be aware that ideas that go against the grain are rightly or wrongly regarded as heresy. It is hard to shift the established order.

I always wonder if such “loons” could experience significant change in personality and perceptions only when coming out of 20 year comas. Otherwise… nope,

But under 5G’s i weigh 1269 pounds! I CAN’T move!
Please lets go back to 1G and lose the weight.

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