69-year-old man sues to legally change his age because he identifies as a 49-year-old

Maybe if he was Mazur Rackham* and traveled for years at a significant fraction of the speed of light, it could be justified. :thinking:

  • Have you read Ender’s Game?
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Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say, “Yes.”


Yeah, men often peruse dating apps for someone 10+ years younger because looks and wind up disappointed. Women peruse by the same age, only to find out that most men don’t really grow up, and wind up disappointed. People gonna people.


As a dutchman living in the town this man was born and where he is well known, i can assure you: even “reasanable” commentators on the www say: PLEASE stop coverage in your newspaper (again!) about this fool. He is the village idiot. The Netherlands has real problems and important issues that could be of interest to people reading BoingBoing; this/this man is not one of them. (disappointed in BoingBoing ? i 'm to old for that! - pun intended) Sign of the times …


Yeah I used to work with a guy who we had to disinvite to non-sponsored work events because he kept getting us kicked out of restaurants and bars. He just could not grasp that every cute 20-25 year old blonde girl (particularly waitstaff) did not want to date a bitter, overweight, socially regressive, 60 year old man who could not go an hour without saying something racist or misogynistic… and he was damned sure he looked young for his age while shitting on women who looked even 30-35 for being dumpy and old. Pretty sure he’s still single. Too bad he and this guy are so straight, they’d get along I’d think. I just remembered how he’d also complain that despite the fact that his idea of flirting was basically flashing money, harassing you at your place of work well after he’d been asked to stop, and insulting non-white women and anyone with a facial wrinkle, he’d still complain that the only women who would talk to him were basically prostitutes. I always wondered whether he’d figure out that it’s not women, it’s just that when you are that shitty of a human being you actually do have to pay people to deal with you because it’s hard work… Doubt it. Working at that place though… damn, don’t miss it ever.


I may be 41 but the way these past couple of years have aged me I should be collecting social security benefits.


It’s not the greatest story but honestly right about now I sort of think for a lot of us it’s kind of like… anything that softens out the horror is… well, something else at least. Do kind of agree though about signal boosts and assholes. I mean, deep down, some one like this knows they suck. They just like making other people unhappy and that’s that.


Troll me bitch, I don’t care HOW old you are!!
Meh, can’t be bothered. By the time I find him he’ll have died of old age anyway, so what do I care?


Actually, I’m just surprised there are massive trolls in the Netherlands, I’ve been there, their bridges are TINY!


I need to countersue this guy because, you see, I identify as this guy. And I would never do anything this asshollish. So he’s libeling me.


Will the employer or girlfriend he obtains feel any less deceived if he gets legal permission to lie about his age? Methinks not.

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And the younger woman who learns he’s lying about his age is of course going to trust him about anything else he claims?


The term you were looking for is "on the gripping hand".


[Emph. added]

Fucker knows exactly what he’s doing.

(I realize at this point I’m just piling on, but you gotta point out dogwhistley crap when you see it. And by dogwhistley, I mean the gentleman in the article, not you, @gtmac. Not assuming any bad faith on your part.)


That’s pretty much how New Yorkers felt about our current President.


But, but, his body.

I’m picking up what you’re putting down like you wouldn’t believe.


No. Gender binaries are a cultural artifact - an artificial and arbitrary simplification of a complex reality (that doesn’t lend itself to such binaries) that’s also totally superficial (a baby can have a penis and testes, but in cases where they don’t descend, the child gets labeled “female” at birth).
Age is a pretty straightforward ticking off of rotations around the sun. There’s nothing to make it complex - no time travel (or significant relativistic travel), no cryonic preservation, etc. to make solar rotations not match lived years. (The only thing that comes close to a complication is that some cultures just don’t care about it.) Our legal age does not, and more importantly isn’t expected to, match our “mental age” or physical fitness, etc.

This dude is just anti-trans driving trollies.


The hair, it’s good.
Is that the god part?

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Is his 69 ID up for grabs then? I’m feeling a bit run down myself, how’s his credit score?

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I actually think it’s less about trans issues and more about him wanting to bang 30-ish women. I suspect he’s heard “Gross, dude, you’re older than my dad” one too many times.