69-year-old man sues to legally change his age because he identifies as a 49-year-old

The only reason people bring up 45’s hands is because they know he’s overly sensitive about them.


The mallets might sting a bit though :stuck_out_tongue:


"He compares his plight with being transgender. Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf quotes him as saying, “You can change your name. You can change your gender. Why not your age? Nowhere are you so discriminated against as with your age.”

Triple bullshit. But I invite him to transition at report back on his experiences.


I struggled with having a babyface for the first 30 years, enjoyed it for 10, and now it’s becoming a problem again, for being mistaken for the younger man I am not. It’s double-edged sword.

Hiring manager: We look forward to many long years working with you.
Me: Actually, no. I can retire with social security next year.
Hiring manager: GTFO.


Same here. I’m 46 but I’ve still got people telling me I look way younger, and I got carded this summer buying alcohol despite all the gray in my hair. I don’t think I look that young, but I shrug it off.

Age is one thing, maturity is something else. And I agree that this person is an egotistical idiot. It’s probably not his age that’s keeping the ladies away-- I wouldn’t date him at any age.


True, but i’m still deeply uncomfortably by it.

It’s wrong, even if someone means well by it… Doing wrong for a good cause is still wrong IMHO.

Just no, people do not get to choose how they are born…


In fairness, there is some underlying validity to this guy’s basic complaint–I regularly see news articles and comments where people who hear about these relationships respond with disgust. That the relationship is between consenting adults and involves no coercion doesn’t matter. If you’re older, you’re disgusting and must’ve bought the other person’s affections. Although, honestly, when I was younger and crushing on women 20 years older than me I didn’t think about that at all. Unless I was hearing about relationships between other people. Then I was no different than the rest–i.e., “ewwww”. But the lesson is that attraction happens without particular rhyme or reason. If you’re attracted to someone you won’t care about their age.

Which brings me back to this guy. The fact he’s making such a big deal here probably explains his lack of romantic success better than his age.

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But he should also have to deal with the same gatekeeping that trans people have to. It’s only fair.


(Clearly, I cannot use my new gif enough.)

Unfuck that guy; life as we know it is already worse because of him.

I will mock him until the day he’s dead, and then I will do my very best to make sure that I dance on his grave before I shuffle off my mortal coil.


I need to see his psych assessment and approval by two professionals before he can begin treatment and real life test. And no changing documents permitted.


…otherwise people wouldn’t even mention such TINY details! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

you are right. no one should be body shamed. people should stick to how horrible he is in the inside.


Here’s the thing: no one really cares about the size of Trump’s hands. Most people know that in real life his hands are well within the normal range of a person his size, and probably wouldn’t really care even if they weren’t.

The reason people like to trolley Trump on the hands thing is because Trump spent more than a quarter century fuming about Graydon Carter calling him a “Short-fingered Vulgarian” in Spy magazine. This is funny because

  • Who holds that kind of petty grudge for so long?
  • The term wasn’t even meant to imply that Trump literally has short fingers, it’s kind of like saying an egotistical person has a giant head or calling a dishonest person a “big fat liar”
  • Trump was clearly more bothered by the “short fingered” part than the “vulgarian” part
  • Trump went on national TV to whine about how this talk about his hands was actually an implication that he had a tiny penis, which was a TOTAL LIE because his penis is ACTUALLY HUGE

In short, Trump is the only person who actually cares about the size of his hands. Everyone else is just keeping the meme going because they know it drives him bonkers.

See also: Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer


better idea: legally change your age to 69 in perpetuity (nice)

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Age discrimination sucks. But still, fuck this guy. Some horny dude getting old is not the same as a person feeling like they were born in the wrong body. And insinuating that it’s even remotely similar makes you a colossal dickweed.

  1. Just lie about your age on Tinder

  2. If this becomes a thing, I have a character witness to attest that I am a “petulant teenager”.


Envy. I’m one of those people who looked about 30 when I was 15 but on the flipside these days I’m well older and I still look about 30 so maybe I’ll just go quickly one year from looking 30 to looking real damned old. Oddly though, I’m not that stressed about it. I have a feeling I’ll make a lot of sense as a person when I look as old as I often feel tbh!


I thought we already went through this with the IMDB / actress age dispute.

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I had the same gut reaction, and then I realized: Gender’s a social construct. Age isn’t.


Yeah age itself may just be a number but a 70 year old knee joint doesn’t care about numbers either.


Look, I kinda get one aspect of where this guy is coming from. I’m 45 and because I didn’t escape an abusive, fucked-up childhood fully until I was about 20, I’ve been known to say I feel like I’m 25 as I didn’t start truly living until I fled. However, unlike this egotistical fuckwit, I’m not deluded enough to think I appear 25. I know I look at least 45 (and probably more like 85!).

Also, part of this guy’s issue was that on dating apps, women the same age as him were responding to him. So now he wants the courts to support his delusion. What an utter knobjockey.

Speaking of knobs, I’m pretty sure that should he accidentally find a 20 year younger person who’s at least superficially interested in him, one glimpse of his shrivelled, tiny, clearly-70-year-old penis would scare them away.