760 years: serial killer nurse who murdered 3 patients with insulin injections and tried to kill 19 more is sentenced

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/03/760-years-serial-killer-nurse-who-murdered-3-patients-with-insulin-injections-and-tried-to-kill-19-more-is-sentenced.html


Just… why?


Man, you Americans sure do love your preposterously long prison sentences, don’t you? I guess no elected judge wants to be branded a “soft on crime hug-a-thug Liberal” for imposing a mere 80 year sentence…


“She’s pure evil,”

I can’t help but wonder of her journey.
But did she shoot a puppy?


But has she told you about Sammy Jankis?


At least she didn’t get three death sentences!

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“She took someone from this earth that she had no right to take, and she played God when she didn’t have that right.”

A power thing, I guess.


don’t they essentially give a life sentence to serial killers in places like norway?

she’s not someone who had a mental health episode an ran roughshod over a seapark… she killed many people, over many years, and thus the best we can do is separate her from society if we take death off the table.

(maybe i’m too… american… but i bring up norway because they famously briefly brought back the death penalty to hang their nazis – my issue with capital punishment lies more with the idea it’s easy for the state to railroad the innocent rather than some jazz about the sanctity of life… “evil” is a moral term i hate to throw around but… you do enough of it and you can’t complain what happens next)

edit: also, for context, parole rules can be… interesting… here. so often they give an extra long sentence to be absolutely sure they’re not paroled.

(as opposed to the "mental health review every tenish years that invariably goes ‘welp you killed many folks’ that’s done in places like scandanavia)

I think the point Loozrboy was trying to make is that 80 years is a life sentence already, why go over the top and make it 760 years?


because you get a modifier for “good behavior” among other things such that an 80 year sentence can fail to be a life sentence.


As I said… they don’t have life sentences but… basically he’ll be denied in perpetuity since he murdered a whole ass island. So every ten years they’ll go “is he a danger to himself or others” and go oh yeah, he murdered an entire island


I assume most places have some form of “whole life” sentence (I’m most familiar with Canada, where most people sentenced to life in prison are eligible for parole after 25 years, but offenders deemed particularly dangerous can be imprisoned indefinitely). What strikes me as somewhat uniquely American is the practice of handing down sentences that are multiple centuries longer than the human lifespan. I suppose there’s probably (maybe?) a valid technical reason it works out that way, but it mostly seems silly and preformative, and very much related to U.S. incarceration culture in general. Like, “look how tough on crime we’re being, we’re going to put this monster in jail for five hundred years! And this guy’s even worse, so he gets 800! That’ll show 'em!”

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