$9k fine for American tourist who took ammo to Turks and Caicos

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/29/american-tourist-who-took-ammunition-to-turks-and-caicos-fined-9000.html


A slap on the wrist. There is no excuse for misplacing ammo.


Unfortunately, it sounds as if the judge decided that Americans should be treated leniently because leaving ammo in a suitcase is something totally normal Americans do all the time and imprisoning them for mere absent-mindedness would be unfair.


Yes, as I said elsewhere


12 years for 2 rounds of ammo was a ridiculous, draconian sentence, especially for someone obviously not involved in the violent crime they are trying to combat.


I just realised that my above comment was about a different case. Another one of the

five Americans charged under the firearms ordinance for having ammunition in the past five months

mentioned in the linked article.

The fact that this happens so often only underscores the need to make an example out of one of these people importing dangerous goods.

pour encourager les autres

It’s a minimum sentence. The fact that it was waived due to extenuating circumstances is ludicrous. Especially because Americans love minimum sentences when it comes to immigrants to their country.


I understand it was a minimum. Many minimum sentencing laws in the US are draconian too, as are 3 strike rules and a bunch of other “tough on crime” measures that did little to actually stop crime, and did a whole lot ruining lives.



Eh, the rest of the world acknowledges that guns and the ammo they use sole purpose is to kill, and treat them as the danger they are. Just because America loves their weaponry doesn’t mean the rest of the world should tolerate their shit.


Given the magnitude of the mandatory minimum, the judge should have added that time as a prohibition for the guy to reenter the country under penalty of having to serve said minimum,

New Jersey law prohibits possession of dum-dum or armor penetration bullets except for LEOs or licensed collectors. This is just the bullets. They don’t even have to be in a shell or have gunpowder. The penalty is up to 18 months in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Section 2C:39-3 - Prohibited weapons and devices, N.J. Stat. § 2C:39-3 | Casetext Search + Citator

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Deaf ears, those.

The US is not a monolithic entity, so please do not comment as if we are.

Many of us readily acknowledge that firearms are dangerous weapons whose sole purpose is to maim and kill.

Not all of us are in denial.


As an American, I approve this message.



If you can’t properly secure/keep track of your ammo, I doubt you can properly secure your firearm ffs

12 years might be too much, but dumbasses are gonna dumbass


You’re missing my point. Assuming it’s in good faith, I’ll try to clarify.

I’m not arguing against the regulation of either. I am saying the minimum penalty is draconian, as is applying it to incidental possession in negligible quantities, clearly on accident and not for the purpose of trying to sell it or commit other crimes.

With any law there needs to be some reasoning in the application of penalties. On the local level: Someone who had a couple forgotten rounds rolling around in an old cigar box from a firearm that was turned in a long time ago, and someone with a case of ammo selling to people on the black market are two completely different circumstances that should require two different penalties.

In contrast, I looked up the penalty for illegal possession of ammunition in the UK, and it is 6 months or £200; or both. In aggravated cases it increase to up to 5 years and additional fines. They aren’t “tolerating shit”, but they also have a much more reasonable penalty with varying degrees of severity.

Well, if he turns to a life of crime I highly doubt it would be in Turks and Caicos. :confused:

UK Penalty Source:

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It’s £400, not £200. You need to look at “latest available”, not “original”.


Minimum sentences are themselves an affront to justice, so


Whoopsie doodle. Thanks. Makes sense the fine would increase over time. (Google is just not as good as it used to be. :confused: )

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I have only traveled a few times. I do not own any firearms or related items.

However, it has always been a policy of mine to thoroughly go through my bags and/or luggage for anything I ought not to bring. Or anything that was maybe overlooked the last time I traveled.

But I cannot fathom a situation wherein loose ammunition would ever be left in a bag, backpack, suitcase, etc. Ammunition is (generally) sold in a plastic tray with a cardboard enclosure.

But whatever. There’s no excuse for not vetting your luggage before travel.

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He already did by breaking their laws.