A 1x1 tracking pixel was used as evidence of treason against 30,000 Turks, sent tens of thousands to jail

Good summary, but it didn’t mention the Gulenist movement. Although R.E. is inexcusably paranoid he isn’t entirely wrong when it comes to these guys, they are a pretty shady bunch.
Your enemy’s enemy is not your friend.

I’m inventing a 3x3 tracking image. Because that’s the smallest image you can show a middle finger.


So you could do conferences in Turkey last year, because 1x1 pixel cache audits; or because it let you not put down a purported coup and run high-turnover jails in a country where 17% of the population are police…which sounds super distracting, well done!

…and also the Irani market name for the very popular fragrance ‘white pixel’ by the artist known for no marketing budget but sending F-35s.

Don’t be ridickulous. You know rule 34. This is going to go terribly wrong…


This penalty for a 1x1 tracking pixel is a little harsh. I’d say give lenience on first offense.

Now, If a 2x2 pixel were found, deal with them seriously.

For a 3x3, throw the book at them.

Uh, Ataturk never quite was the hero he was. He was father to a nation that was born into a genocide.


Hmmm…Unless that line of code is some python-golf genuis’ ROS for an oppressionbot 3000, somehow I don’t think we can blame the Line of Code in this case…

You just doomed EVERYONE!

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See my comment above.

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OMG, I’m getting paranoid. Doesn’t this pixel here look suspicious too? —>

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I think we all realise that Gülen is only his dog whistle for “people who don’t respect mah authori-tay”.

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That does not mean he would not role in his grave at some of the directions Turkey is being dragged.

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That describes a few countries I could name.


Sometimes it is Gülen, other times it is Kurds, but it is all about the same authoritarian control.

Erdogan and the Turkish government are currently replaying the role of the Stalinists in the Spanish civil war, because it is more important that they stop the Kurds from getting funny ideas about independence than it is that they stop IS (assuming they actually have any interest in the latter).

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Emmanuel Goldstein from Goerge Orwell’s 1984


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