A 9 year old girl's letter to her dad who is about to meet Bill Nye


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I like that he had Bill Nye sign the actual list of instructions. I wonder if that’s quite what she had in mind.

What a statement about how beloved and influential Bill Nye has been for kids that Freeman Dyson’s granddaughter is so excited and impressed!


At first I made the mistake of misreading the second item as “Wear your tie ONLY” and I thought, well that’s going to be an interesting first meeting.


OK yeah the autograph is cool, but we are glossing over the more important issue here. She lives in San Francisco and used to work at Google. Did she ride one of those g*****n buses?

I love that whole, “WITH SOMETHING THAT MATCHES” part. I can vividly picture her father normally dressed in something disastrously clashing. That really did make me lol.

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Truly, a Wonderful Thing!

Nine-year-old girl? I doubt it - examine the signature. This was obviously written by a pony. Lauren the pony.

It just wouldn’t work without PONIES!

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