A 900-person Covid delta cluster in Massachusetts includes 74% vaccinated people

The tl;dr version is “I got mine - fuck you.”


Yeah, but promoting strategies most likely to kill off people at risk, is that profit motive or eugenics? (yeah yeah, why not both?)


Remember: they have a zero-sum game mentality. More people die = I win. It’s sick, but it’s consistent.





Too many people die, and the survivors will get pissed off at those sitting in gilded palaces…


Oh, for sure. History is consistent about that. But the other part of their mentality is survivor bias. They think their wealth and power is because they are special, and will survive because they have so far.

They aren’t, and if the shit hits the fan, they won’t.


Oh, I get that, loud and clear; too much privilege leads to complacence and a lack of capability - they’re going to fuck around and find out. The sad thing is, that a lot of other people will suffer and die needlessly in the process as well…


and that right there is best analysis of qanon ive seen yet



IMO, they meet at the intersection of Dunning-Kreuger and the Darwin Awards…


We are 2 days into a ~100,000 per day infection rate and over 80k since Tuesday. 35,000 per week would be 5% of 700,000 total infections at that rate.


They’ll hide themselves and the few they actually care about in their $/£/€multi-million bunker palaces, and be cared for by slaves and the personal doctors whom they’ll pay $/£/€1.6mil each year.


The “covid will become milder over time” myth on the right seems to originate from lawyer Richard Epstein, who was wrong about everything else too. (Hoover Institution, same as Scott Atlas.)


I’m confused here. To my understanding none of the vaccines prevent you from being infected. They prime your immune system to deal with a novel virus itself, essentially acting as a catalyst. Which means it was going to be like this. Perhaps if everyone was vaccinated in a very short order (perhaps less than a month window) you’d see a fairly sizeable drop in severe cases, but the virus would still be out in the population. It is exactly the same as a flu vaccine. The goal is to reduce your symptoms, not prevent your body from becoming infected.

I’m not exactly sure why the media gets so worked up when you find a group of vaccinated people who “have” Covid. If 100 vaccinated people currently show having an active Covid infection, but you only end up with 2 that have to go to the hospital and no one dies then I would consider that a good outcome. If that group was not vaccinated it might be likely you’d have 1-2 people dead and many others severely effected (obviously there are many factors that would go into all those numbers, just an example based on overall statistics).

Headlines like this are more problematic that helpful. If you want the hold outs to keep finding reasons why they shouldn’t get the shot then headlines that make it sound like the vaccine is useless are just adding fuel to that fire.


Media overreaction is one thing, but the internal CDC report underlying this news story was a big deal for the CDC itself. The viral loads measured in the vaccinated group in this cluster convinced the director of the CDC to change public recommendations on masking, so it’s pretty much newsworthy by definition.


That depends on how you define being “infected.” Having a few viral particles land in your nasal cavity isn’t an infection. Having a few cells turned into a virus factory, but then getting shut down and kicked out by the immune system also doesn’t represent an organism-level infection. Having so many cells hijacked that it affects function or allows to virus to replicate in sufficient numbers that the organism is shedding large numbers of viral particles, enough to infect others with close contact, then that would be an infection in practical terms.

Even a naive immune system can prevent infection if it is strong enough and fast enough to respond. A vaccinated immune system is even more likely to be able to react quickly and prevent the virus from taking enough cellular “territory” to affect function or create contagious conditions.

We need to stop thinking of viral infection as a binary parameter, 1 or 0. Yes, on an individual level, vaccines can prevent infection. No, on an epidemiological level, vaccines don’t prevent infection.

The relevance of this article to the public is that it should be a wake-up call - to both public policy makers (politicians) and to the public that 1. Masking and distancing measures should be reinstituted; 2. Unvaccinated people aren’t just harming themselves, but everyone else; 3. People who are vaccinated and have gone back to life as normal need to go back to protecting themselves and others by masking up.

Seems like an important and helpful message to me.


Or if we had done a better job of lockdown in that first month. The goal was fire break, not coffee break.

  1. People should consider upping their mask quality; some reports say that Delta can lead to a 1000-fold increase in viral loads, so the mostly-good-enough nature of your cloth mask may now be almost-good-enough.

Until they run out of food & other necessary resources. By which point, they may find themselves permanently barricaded inside their bunkers, from the outside.

Even rich people are not “islands…”




35k SYMPTOMATIC per week.

The others that aren’t symptomatic (a much larger number since the vaccines are about 94% effective at preventing serious covid with delta so far) are just walking talking typhoid marys and don’t know it.


Meanwhile I looked at the headline and wondered what a goo-person was.