Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/19/a-childrens-book-recipe-for.html
The spice cookies must flow.
He who controls the cookies controls the universe.
When God ordains a man’s time to make cookies, he sends him the correct recipe.
I’m gratified to see the recipe does not require water.
But where do we get the sandworms to process the spice?
It’s been too long since I read the books to remember details.
You’d think that on Arrakis of all places, baking something wouldn’t be a problem.
I can attest that I freakin’ LOVED that movie when I first saw it as a child, and although I didn’t have the activity or coloring books, I had various spice harvester toys, a sandworm, and a Paul Atreides action figure that would punch when you pressed his shield generator button. Damn shame they all went in a yard sale before a move.
I just reread book 1 - they repeatedly say that spice smells like cinnamon (I am not a fan of cinnamon) now if it smelled like nutmeg… count me in!
I wanted for the longest time to try and make my own Spice blend, to season things. wasn’t sure exactly what I’d put in it apart from cinnamon, but I figured the experimenting would be half the fun. never got around to doing it, though.
Minus the cinnamon, this is my family’s xmas cookie recipe.
makes suspicious face at Grandma
cinnamon comes from the bark of trees ergo is the spice’ on arrakis a kind of ancient thing like charcoal from when it was once a wet planet?
My adult no-bake recipe has two steps - buy Sweetzels or Ivins, and then put your hand in the box
Do Guild Navigators also use Benadryl or generic equivalents?
Hoping your reaction wrt glucocorticoids is tapering off.
Yeah no kidding!
I have this. I use this. It works. And it doesn’t make the house hot because the sun is outside shining on it. It gets ferociously hot.
Original pumpkin spice, eh? “Pumpkin spice” is just a version of gingerbread spices which go back to the middle ages as a spice mix for both savoury and sweet things. Nothing"original" about that.
I think the author was just trying to make it seem trendy/relatable to people who like products labeled as “pumpkin spice.” I’m not a good judge of whether or not the cookies are like those products, because I don’t eat or drink anything labeled as pumpkin - never liked the taste of it. Those cookies were a staple of my childhood*, but you couldn’t pay me to eat a piece of pumpkin pie.
*OK, I still devour a box every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
It’s made constantly by sand trout, deep in the sand.
Just FYI: pumpkin spice doesn’t contain any pumpkin, it’s the spice FOR pumpkin not the spice MADE OF pumpkin. So you might actually enjoy it? But as I said it’s just gingerbread spices, really, reinvented by corporate America.