Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/20/a-firefighter-is-fighting-conspiracy-theories-about-forest-fires-on-tiktok.html
I immediately adore him, just for the deadpan delivery alone.
Exactly. The fakes aren’t even well-executed. Sheesh. Have a little respect.
They have none for themselves, thee or me.
The stupid, it should burn…
Now that’s a fire I can get behind.
I was thinking more like internal boiling; that way nothing else is negatively affected.
I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take someone who can’t tell the difference between “” and “
” seriously.
Have we really not been irresponsible enough about nuclear energy that damn kids these days are calling the good old nuclear trefoil a “biohazard sign”?
“That’s not there. Cm’on guys?”. Not only is it not there it’s not even well 'shopped.
Oh yeah, you better believe I’m already following this guy on twitter.
A year or two ago it was lasers being directed to burn certain areas because there would be lines in the grass where the fires stopped. Growing up where they burn fields ever year - yeah - the can stop in a line for various reasons.
I bet this girl wouldn’t listen to the firefighter. She will instead come up with more conspiracy thinking-- “he’s part of the conspiracy, he’s covering up the truth!” etc.
A friend of mine once said some forms of mental illness were like overly sensitive pattern recognition, like a mental auto-immune syndrome. That’s what the recent explosion in conspiracy-thinking reminds me of, combined with good old fashioned urban myth. People think they can prove Rod Stewart got a gallon of (something something) pumped out of his stomach by comparing photos of him online and finding a police report that someone named “R.Stuart” was admitted to an emergency room when he happened to be in town on tour.
“A little knowledge is dangerous, it can’t be diluted it can’t be changed or switched…” --Rakim Allah.
You’re right that it’s not there. It isn’t shopped though …
I imagine then it’s pretty hard to get volunteers to keep the signs straight in Chernobyl. Just looks sloppy to me.
It’s been about 15 years since I’ve worked with radioisotopes, and about a decade since I worked with any hazardous lab chemicals, but I also had forgotten the difference between those two. To be fair, unless it’s relevant for you day to day, it’s generally enough to just know they both mean “back off, danger.”
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