A fun look at how Pixar celebrates Halloween

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/11/04/a-fun-look-at-how-pixar-celebr.html


Cool prizes.


what FGD said! That they moved away from a prize valued in $ to more organic, people centric improv and - dare I say it - fun is just super awesome. Another wonderful thing, thanks BB!


When I lived in the area I used to attend a pumpkin carving party held by a Pixar bigwig, to which Pixar animators would show up bringing special tools, and e.g. carve pumpkins with hair. They were amazing.

This was also where I learned about bell pepper carving. When you put a candle in a bell pepper, the light glows through the translucent flesh. Recommended.


Nifty, tho I wouldn’t think it would last very long. On the other hand, the odor of pepper roasting is heavenly.


I fully expected this to be cynical corporate propaganda and was pleasantly surprised to be wrong. Now I’m just envious. I can’t imagine my company ever doing something even remotely as cool for Halloween.

Traditionally, a carved turnip (or maybe a swede) was used – what with pumpkins being a recent import from the new world.

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As a Knutson I must strenuously object.

EDITED TO ADD: Today I Learned that rutabaga is also known as “Swedish turnip” or swede.


Sometimes, it’s the dreaded mangel wurzels!

I went to the Pixar exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. It had exactly the same feeling as this video: making you want to work at Pixar by pretending to teach you things. Sort of brilliant.

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Oh, you know, they’re probably desperately hoping everyone will forget about the John Lasseter thing.

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