A marine biologist's guide to determining whether floodwaters really are shark-infested

This is an older piece, but given that we’re into hurricane season, I expect it will come up again. How do you tell if the photo you’ve been forwarded, showing sharks swimming through flooded urban landscapes, is real or fake? Marine biologist (and shark expert) David Shiffman has a simple 5-step process. In fact, it’s… READ THE REST

When has a chain email ever been true?

What’s more likely is that this “David Shiffman” character is photoshopping sharks OUT of flood pictures and trying to throw us off with this “blog article.” Clearly there’s some nefarious government conspiracy coverup going on. They can’t keep us quiet! Stay vigilant! Sharks are coming!

You mean satan wasn’t released when the twin towers collapsed?

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I haven’t seen any yet, but I’m going to bet that any photos with sharks taken in the Alberta floods are fake.

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