A restaurant worker told a man to wear a mask, so the man shot him with a gun, say police


After that prior, he’s definitely not a legal gun owner or a licensed CCW holder.

Sometimes a-holes are just gonna a-hole. (but ready access to a firearm does make the degree of a-hole scale up several degrees…)


A review of Trump’s very apparent personal disdain for having to don a mask and the example set thereby; his urgings that businesses/states “open up” (which can be interpreted in more than one way by Trump’s suggestible minions); Trump’s indifferent attitude toward gun-violence; and the well-demonstrated support given to Trump by the more aggressive elements of the gun culture, is in order.


I agree with the sentiment, and for example think the armed invasion of the Michigan legislature was evidence of an appalling failure of the fabric of our society, I just don’t think that failure has much to do with this particular case.


How am I going to eat this waffle without taking my mask off though


Better shoot a hole in your mask.


Small pieces. Over the top of the mask, to one side of the nose. Wait for gravity to bring within the range of the tongue. Capture and chew.

Repeat as necessary. If airflow through mask decreases to an uncomfortable level due to maple syrup buildup, replace mask and return to eating waffles.


taco bell


Of course. Every gun owner is a responsible gun owner until he decides not to be responsible because he has a gun.


The store where I work is planning to open up again to customers soon, and refuse entry if they don’t wear masks. I’m seriously worried about what will happen. If people will commit murder over a fucking waffle, there’s no reason to assume this won’t happen anywhere at any time under the slightest provocation (or complete lack thereof).


I’m sorry. Stay safe.


He SHOT someone… that’s not “acting badly” that’s a fucking crime.

People are aware of the mask requirements, they just don’t want to wear one, because of they don’t give a shit if they make others sick. :woman_shrugging: The fact that this man SHOT someone over this tells us all we need to know about how much he cares about the lives of others - he sees their lives as expendable when they impede on even his slightest discomfort.

And let me just say, that as @Hanglyman noted above, there are likely quite a few folks here who work in some essential business who now have to add “maybe I’ll get shot for enforcing company policy/state/local regulations” to their list of fears in the midst of a global pandemic. People are dying unnecessarily for the markets and now people are getting hurt or killed because some assholes believe the whole thing is a made up conspiracy theory. So maybe we should not be so glib about acts of violence being committed against people or try to “both-sides” this.




Much like a line cook might feel like they’re being accused of being “diseased” by a manager who insists they wash their hands and use gloves and a hairnet at work.

It’s a rule that applies to anyone in that position. Get over yourself and start acting like a member of a freaking society.


For an extra layer of nuttiness, PPE works in both directions. It protects other people from you (which you may not care about), and it also protects you from other people (which even selfish arseholes should be able to get on board with). It’s magic that way. Just like a thermos, which can keep coffee hot AND can be used to keep ice cream frozen. Amazing!


Exactly. It’s as if the NRA had seen the Twilight Zone episode It’s a Good Life (the one with the kid banishing people to the cornfield) and thought “Yup, this is how life should be!”.


Apparently he was a regular customer.

The waitress said Watson was with another man who told him to calm down and apologized for his behavior. The waitress said Watson is at the restaurant every couple days and has never acted like this before. She told police she suspected he was “high.”


He was on a rampage:

After the shooting, officers learned Denver police were looking for Watson, who was accused of opening fire at a tow operator after his vehicle was impounded, the affidavit says.

He will certainly regret this tweet during his trial

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I’m docked in front of a restaurant that requires masks before they even come out to take your order. Have been hiding here from very strong winds for days and there are streams of people driving up and putting their masks on without incident. Don’t let one psychopath give you anxiety.

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An army marches on its stomach. Those were obviously mission-critical waffles; practically treason to deny them to a worthy member of the well regulated militia.

I work in Denver doing merchandising at grocery stores and big box stores throughout the metro area, including right around that Waffle House. There are large easy to read signs everywhere saying that masks are required for entry.

Despite this at the grocery stores I’m still seeing anywhere between 10 and 25% of the people not wearing masks, not because they don’t know they are supposed to but because obviously they do not care.

The employees at the stores are not challenging them because of shit like this happening throughout the country.

I am not allowed to say anything to them because I’m not an employee of the store and my company won’t allow me to interfere while working , so it is up to the store to enforce.

A couple of stores have started to have uniformed off-duty police at the door, which does seem to be making a difference, but who wants to have more cops everywhere?

Wear a fucking mask or stay home, people.


It’s not just one, there’s the lady who shot people at a McDonald’s, the family who shot a man at a grocery store, the Target employee who had their arm broken… I get that it’s still a very rare occurrence and probably nothing will happen, but there’s a trend of people willing to hurt or kill over this specific mask issue, and all it takes is one. If you’re asking me to have faith in my fellow humans not to be complete monsters at every opportunity, that ship sailed four years ago.