Call your members of congress. Write letters to the editor. This guy needs to be driven from the halls of power.
I would have gone with Pump, Tootin’, or PootRump myself.
Eyebleach sales are gonna skyrocket if this continues.
It’s so bad it’s almost good in a strange way.
That needs to be animated for shorts appearing on Saturday Night Live.
George Soros would probably fund the effort since this what might drive Trump over the edge.
M. Flynn RESIGNS. One less comrade.
I’d say it was about time but he’d only been in position for, what, 3 and a bit weeks?
Let’s hear what he has to say now.
I look forward to Patraeus getting the job with his conviction for leaking classified information (still under probation!)
Interesting commentary on Flynn from Reuters posted earlier today before the news of resignation.
Heh. “Retires”.
Too many favorite signs.