A statistical analysis of why people hate post-grunge band Nickelback

  1. I am not a huge fan, but I like some of their songs.

  2. I think Brian Posehn ripping on them on Comedy Central is sort of what put a target on their backs.


What’s this, another opportunity for Pantsfeet? Don’t mind if I do!


No idea what this refers to. Are you talking about FM radio? That’s the same situation as broadcast TV - it’s the old space, where the old people consume the old comforting media.

Streaming is where the new stuff appears, and it includes new new (for example, YouTube just introduced me to Castle Rat) plus new stuff in all the old genres, plus a full copy of the “boomer loop” as you call it.

We are not trapped anywhere.


I went on YouTube to listen to some Nickelback. The only song I recognised was the one about wanting to be a big rock star – I don’t remember the name – actually it’s called “I want to be a rockstar.” It gets played on the radio sometimes here in Airstrip 1, but not much of their other stuff which must be why I don’t know them…

That track strangely puts me in mind of a kind of prequel to Joe Walsh’s “Life’s been good to me.”

Anyway, it turns out I don’t particularly like Nickelback. However I think people should listen to whatever they like, old or new, and listening to a range of stuff is good.


Yes!!! You said it better than I could have. I kinda like them, always have, and that’s ok.


Some people self-appointed gatekeepers have way too much free time on their hands.

I was not the intended demographic for Nickelback, and perhaps that is why I neither understand nor care about the “hate” some people claim to have for that group.


Appropriately, Nickelback sounds approximately halfway between Nickel Creek and Silverback.


Only because I was missing Eddie and listening to a lot of his stuff the other day.

He started out as a cop but he really wanted to be a Rock N Roll Star.


Surely people just don’t listen to them because they’re fucking OLD at this point? Like they broke in 2003 or so IIRC? I remember liking the first single that hit in the UK a bit, but the incessant overplaying really drew out the weaknesses of their being a pretty formulaic Pearl Jam clone, which describes all the post-grunge bands really. And IMO Pearl Jam were the least interesting of the big Grunge bands anyway.

I remember going to a music night in my second year at uni and the band before my mate’s band played, were just doing Nickelback covers (while the singer did a kind of Creed impersonation) - it was the cringiest thing I ever saw musically, worse than just being bad.


I haven’t heard all of their songs, so I can’t speak to the repetition charges.

They can really rock out when they try, but I’ve heard too many of their album-filler ballads on the radio which reveal that the lead singer can’t actually sing… those songs are my only complaint about NB.


Yeah, nobody listens to any music that’s 20+ years old anymore!


OK, 20 years old and unremarkable.



Relax. We mostly just all got into EDM and Rap for a while. It’s ok.


I honestly was an art school nerd who obsessively listened to fossils and/ or electronic music that was like made from loops of dental drills or the resonance of abandoned wells when Nickleback was big. I didn’t make fun of them but I would probably have congratulated myself on not knowing much about them. In retrospect that’s really just as obnoxious as anything else. Like Phil Collins, I listened to them for the first time on purpose to see what people hated so much and I think they are honestly fine. Their musicianship is fine. I’m sure they play good shows. IDK people just get like this at the end of an era though. They get fed up and one or two bands become kind of scapegoated. Bee Gees is another example I think. I feel like if they really sucked that badly I’d notice when they come on in a grocery store kwim? I’d be like “damn I forgot people ever listened to stuff like this” or something. They’re fine… but the scene was just not exciting anymore at that point. That’s my take anyway.

“Cookie I think you’re tame…”


Those moves look like they’d be fun to do. My baby sis back East copies moves exactly on first try. Next time I visit, I’ll bother her for a lesson.


That’s really what it is.

There’s nothing really wrong with Nickelback per se. They are competent musicians that make cromulent music. That’s about the beginning and end of it. There’s nothing special; no heart, and no soul. Just perfectly produced commercial pop rock that may as well have been grown in a lab. An almost blank slate and perfect fodder for projecting memes.

Nickleback meanwhile is laughing all the way to the bank. For all the (mostly manufactured) hate they get, they are still incredibly successful and one of the top selling bands of all time.




I have a job where I work extensively with a lot of 20-somethings. They listen to everything. Thanks to streaming, they know and love songs that I heard from my parents. They ignore genres, eras, popularity, etc. and listen to what they like.


I imagine they have fun doing it. Like they have fans and seem to have had relatively non-catastrophic lives.

Maybe also people really just hate seeing artists not suffer enough too really. Like when they make it look easy it almost feels unfair or something.