A statistical analysis of why people hate post-grunge band Nickelback




Yeah, I’m not sure this fits in the “kids are alright” category, but a lot of people who were in grade school or kindergarten have professed their love for Creed to the point that there are new remixes of their songs coming out now.

Actually, on second thought, I think this is a sign that the kids are alright. They’re able to listen to Creed and decide they like it even if liking Creed was the least cool thing according to their parents when they were in (non-Christian) college.

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Sarah Silverman Eww GIF by HULU

That is probably the largest problem with pop – and with “AI” LLMs it’s about to get a whole lot worse.

Nickleback may get the most flack for being one of the most successful examples of lab-grown focus-grouped beige-music.


My kid will be 20 on her next bday.

One of the proudest moments in entire my parenting career came when she was about 12 and asked me to put “some Aretha” on her mp3 player.


My hat’s off to whichever NPR editor wrote that hed. “Drops dime”, so good.


I miss 89X. I also didn’t realize it was subject to Canadian broadcasting rules and just thought I was crazy when no one knew what songs I was bringing up while in college. (I remember Joy Drop’s “Beautiful” getting played a lot when it was released. No one knew about that song at all.)


Most bands that I snootily “hated” (often as a pose) in my younger days, I’ve come to appreciate.

Except Bob Seger. I can’t stand him.

Mr Seger’s earliest stuff, Heavy Music ferinstance, is XLNT old school Detroit rock. The later, poppier stuff? Meh. /shrugs

But I do have it on excellent authority that he is A Very Nice Guy.

{Emphasis mine} …and Bonus Points for knowing how to properly treat a gerund. Thank you.

This story reminded me of a Vine vid. A guy comes home, happens to glance at his roomie’s backpack on a chair, and looks shocked. He walks over to it, and extracts a big bag of pot, to which he does not react, just sets it on the chair alongside. He then pulls out a large handgun from it, with the same non-reaction. Next, he removes a Nickelback CD from it, and utterly panics tophat-biggrin

edited b/c sppeling.


I inherited mom’s dance gene, which she shared with her jitterbuggin’ Aunt June. I’m not as good as your sis, but mom sure freaked when we watched Riverdance, and I jumped off the couch and began quite accurately doing that style of Irish dancing for the first time in my life. I even did the weird ankle-rocking stuff, and the restrained kicks. She tried, and couldn’t do any of it.

I think that may have been one of the times she was proud of me.

I visited a local bar while it was still closed, with a friend who tended bar there. Only his fellow bartender buddy and his wife were there, and one of them put on Ashley MacIsaac’s XLNT then-recent disc and cranked the volume. After about 30 sec I couldn’t stand it any more! I set down my beer, leaped off my seat, and began dancing a la Mr MacIsaac, much to their surprised delight.

“I didn’t know you could do that Irish dancing stuff!”

(still dancing) “Neither did I, until a couple weeks ago when we watched Riverdance on PBS!” (still dancing)

They picked up their jaws and their drinks. tophat-biggrin beer tophat-cool

ETA: I do have a wee drop o’ the Irish in me, and my dad’s paternal grandpa was a Highlander, so it’s probably down to more genetics.


No Night Moves or Old Time Rock & Roll, huh?

To each their own; personally, I have a nostalgic soft spot for certain songs…


Finally, a statistical analysis that doesn’t suffer from a small sample size.


My 13y/o niece is into Bob Marley at the moment :slight_smile:


Lacking any cultural context and/or baggage, the kids listen to anything streaming throws at them once. If they like it, they’ll listen to it again.

@GospelX: Sunday night at 10 pm they had a 100% Canadian show until midnight, I think in no small part to make sure they were in compliance in case some US or UK bands were “hot”. Gotta make up for playing Muse’s latest hit somehow. :smirk:


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My daughter is 24. She listens to Spotify. She doesn’t own any physical media. In fact she doesn’t have any playback devices except her phone and laptop.

Her playlists contain a pretty wide range of music. I think this is because when she was youner we often played the radio or CDs, and she was exposed to everything from heavy metal to techno and hip-hop, classical, pop and jazz, bossa nova and J-pop.


Mine is the same.

I keep gently reminding her that if she doesn’t have her own files backed up someplace, then she doesn’t actually own any music; even if she paid for it.


Parks And Recreation Side Eye GIF

CRJ > Nickelback

But your post seems like the perfect encapsulation of this phenomenon…

Just sayin’…




dont tell me what to do amy poehler GIF

Nope. No one said that… though, of course, the knee jerk reaction against women pop stars can have misogynistic overtones.


The Big Lebowski Film GIF by The Good Films

Which you’re welcome to. But so is everyone else.

Besides, you made a whole ass account just so you can shit on another artist who wasn’t even mentioned… so… :woman_shrugging: Why it was so critical for all of us to know that YOU personally don’t enjoy her music, I’m not sure…

But of course, nothing is quite like rockism like trying to decide who is a real punk and who isn’t… If I needed to see that decades old warmed over debate, I’d go and re-read the letters section of MRR…