A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)

Cross-posted to All Cops Are Buttheads thread.


The neckbeard meltdown about this is gonna be hilarious


It’s almost like women are equal members of society when the group is small enough that they can’t afford to discriminate.

hmmm GIF


By the way, this happened to her when she was 12.

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Fortunately there was enough of the BuzzFeed link that it worked to click on it, because those who are not logged into Twitter cannot access links to specific tweets anymore.


OK, now that I’ve read the article, I’m beyond horrified.

This is the director’s sick fantasy. Rape scenes have been filmed before, but (at least starting recently) with a trained coach present, and the actual physical aspects are faked to some degree. He literally instructed one actor to rape the other in the middle of a scene that was already being filmed. There’s no misunderstanding here.

I assume with the last name Depp that she’s Johnny Depp’s daughter? Which means she was raised to believe abuse (including sexual abuse) and misogyny are normal. And this director is making bank off of that victimization, by further victimizing her, on screen, for all to salivate over.


We live near a highschool. Lots of kids pass by our part of the neighborhood on their way home. Whenever I see a young femme looking person, I find myself checking around for creepers.


Creepers also don’t limit themselves to the young. I ran into the father of someone I knew as a kid and one of the things he talked about was an incident where his wife was followed by some creep.


Good point. I just don’t see as many adults during the times I’m out of the house. I live in a pretty safe place too. It’s just that feeling of being unsafe and others being unsafe is so ingrained. Tho I don’t worry about myself as much. I have circled the block a few times when someone was following my every turn and I didn’t recognize the car from our street.


Every place is unsafe for women and children. Maybe no pickpockets, but domestic abuse, for example – not saying your spouse! – runs rampant in every neighborhood, every socio-economic group, and certainly every age range. And pedophiles are teachers, coaches, religious and scouting leaders, and of course family members, and every ‘nice’ neighborhood has lots of those.


I was thinking mostly stranger-on-stranger crime. As you pointed out, even safe neighborhoods are not actually very safe for way too many women and children.

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Not about Grant being a misogynist, but about how he navigated life because of misogyny.


Wow, I’m looking forward to seeing more of Cary Grant’s story. Sounds like he was a great parent. Hopefully Ms. Grant’s co-stars will also benefit from those examples.

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It really doesn’t seem like the director suddenly changing a scene, while filming, to include choking the woman actor and “non-consensual” ejaculation is respectful of that actor. Or that said actor admitted herself that she would avoid her co-star when he was fully in character.

Even if the set and filming itself were ok (which I doubt), the resulting product sure does sound like it relishes demeaning and abusing the women involved. I have not watched it. I won’t watch it. Violence and degradation against women for the sake of it, when it isn’t necessary to the story, is a serious problem. So is telling a story focused mostly on violence against women and their degredation.

I try not to doubt the words of a woman speaking to her treatment. I believe these actors believe they were treated just fine. I doubt the reality of it and that the lower-tier women actors and particularly the staff members were treated so well. Lily-Rose Depp had the luxury of avoiding her male co-star when he was channeling a violent misogynist character. I doubt the staff had the same privilege.


Lily Rose Depp is the goddaughter of Marilyn Manson. Her creep meter may be out of whack.