A thread of our own- misogyny (Part 1)

And her dad is Johnny Depp, so…


a good example of how modern gender assumptions obscure reality:

Wall-Scheffler and her collaborators combed through accounts from as far back as the 1800s … “our goal was to go back to the original ethnographic reports of those populations and see what had actually been written about the hunting strategies.”

Their findings — published in the journal PLOS One this week — is that in 79% of the societies for which there is data, women were hunting.

… “the majority of cultures for whom hunting is important train their girls and their women to make their tools and go hunting,” she says. “That piece has just been really underappreciated even though it’s right there in literature.”

and in a separate study:

In 2018 Haas was part of a team in Peru that found a 9,000-year-old person buried with an unusually large number of hunting tools.

Haas didn’t even think to question the person’s gender until … a colleague who specialized in analyzing bone structure arrived and delivered a bombshell assessment… This apparent master hunter was female.

Stunned, Haas and his collaborators decided to review the records of similar finds across the Americas… In 27 gravesites of individuals found with hunting tools, they found 11 cases in which the person was female.


As noted in archaeology:

“There are currently no methods of identifying skeletal remains as intersex. In recent years, there has been much discussion in forensics research of intersex people. Researchers, such as von Wurmb-Schwark, Bosinski and Ritz-Timme (2017), along with Dunkelmann (et al. 2019), have shown that intersex people are incorrectly sexed by amelogenin which identifies subjects’ chromosomes but cannot detect polymorphisms of those chromosomes (von Wurmb-Schwark et al. 2007: 28–29; Stewart et al. 2017; Dunkelmann et al. 2019). While they do present trends in the way modern intersex people are treated medically and how this affects the results of amelogenin tests, this does not apply to ancient people who did not have the same medical treatments that are available today.“

The world is diverse in diverse ways.



A woman called in to Dave Ramsey’s finance and budgeting show to ask for advice on how to afford to be a stay-at-home mom with “crippling” student-loan debt.

Shauna, who didn’t provide a surname, appeared on a recent episode of “The Ramsey Show.” Ramsey’s cohost, Jade Warshaw, uploaded a clip of the call to TikTok, which amassed 1.2 million views.

Shauna said she had trained as a doctor of pharmacy and had been making from $70,000 to $100,000 a year.

She said she wanted to give up work to look after her child full-time. She told Ramsey and Warshaw that she owed $192,000 in student loans while her husband owed $45,000.

Shauna asked how she could balance becoming a stay-at-home mom when her husband earned much less than her: $33,000 a year.

Ramsey said her story should be a cautionary tale to anyone listening who had aspirations to become a pharmacist and “make a lot of money.”

“Oops,” he said. “Now I want to be a stay-at-home mom.”

Ramsey is a radio host best known for his financial advice. The evangelical Christian has faced controversy and has recently been embroiled in a $150 million lawsuit brought by some listeners who caused him of promoting a timeshare-exit company that defrauded them.

Some people are also skeptical of his legitimacy as a financial advisor, likening him to more of a preacher than a money expert. However, he remains a trusted financial guru to many. A man recently told Insider that Ramsey’s advice seven years ago helped him escape $38,000 in car debt.


That guy can get fucked.


Adding this for any guys reading who might not yet appreciate how ingrained this is in our psyches as women: my first thought upon reading/watching this was, “well, yeah, you do the fake phone call thing. That’s just what you do.”
Why do we have to know this?!?
:rage: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Over and over and over…

Anyone who is not a rich, cis, straight, white male voting for fascists is signing away your own humanity. And for those who are, and vote fascist, they are soulless ghouls. I think that rounds it up…


Mother helped her then-17yo daughter with a medication abortion last year, now both are facing 2 year prison sentences for it.
Another day of american “pro-life”, “pro-family” fascists

eta: the evidence was in facebook chats that FB gave over to the cops. @#$%^


:thinking: So if the judges involved are given a swift kick to the groin, under the ten second rule that’s not assault, right?


Get a line going. Each is less than 10 seconds, so you should be good.



Misogyny, racism, classism, so many potential places for this to go…

In 2019, Sylvia Tuckanow told the Senate committee investigating forced sterilizations about how she gave birth in a Saskatoon hospital in July 2001. She described being disoriented from medication and being tied to a bed as she cried.


Everything you pointed out–and, depressingly, more–is what Rebecca Solnit writes about in her The Mother of All Questions and you have nailed our dilemma exactly.

I just finished it yesterday.
Well-written, powerful, difficult reading with a few bright spots.
I won’t say “difficult news” because most of us here on this thread will not regard the many events and facts Solnit cites as anything new.

I agree it’s often hard to see plainly what is safe (for a given value of “safe”) and what is not. It’s not just that we are all swimming in bonkers-patriarchy-normalized in our every day, and it’s not just the privilege we are unconscious of.

Every person who has suffered or been injured by toxic patriarchal bs, every human (no matter the gender) who has unprocessed internalized trauma “pays” many times over in the form of time and energy lost: stress, depression, altered behavior, ill health etc. as they/she/he seek to reconstruct what safety means and looks like in life.

I am grateful for the progress we have made, as a species.
As a culture (one among many, some of which are far more just!).
We have many miles to go. Here’s one positive data point, regarding women teaching their children, especially their girl children, about fighting back–

This incident could have gone wrong in so many ways. Ah’lyric was lucky and has a good head on her shoulders. Yikes and wow, I thought, simultaneously.


Funny thing about that, (which I know you are already aware, as a lawyer); most crimes in society are committed by perps already known to the victims.


But wait, I thought the whole point was parents should be the ones to make the decisions for their children, not the government.

go fuck yourself middle finger GIF


I checked my messages while I was at the library returning a book, and discovered that I’d have to get an inter-library loan if I wanted to read the hard copy, or I could use Libby and read it on my iPad. Guess what I downloaded just now?!

Thanks for the recommendation!


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