Originally published at: A totally adorable fluffy baby seal | Boing Boing
AKA a ‘dead cat’
Man that’s a redundant headline.
Are we sure that one isn’t a marine tribble?
Total chonkishnessitude.
Furry sea slug.
As flooves go, it’s a mixed bag, as the high loafishness is offset by the disturbing Predator-style nostrils.
Still, put a guinea pig on top of it, and a dormouse on top of the guinea pig, and then you’d be getting somewhere.
Start a patreon for the Marine Mammal Center, and I will pay for every floof they post!
Doggos o’ the Deep.
Da fu?
Seals have pups, right?
Fluffy seals for babies.
It’s all squeee until it rips you face off with it’s nostrils
Is it just me, or is that seal a little pudgy?
“Someday, I will realize I have limbs. But not yet!”
This is the first time I’ve understood some people’s urge to squeeze cute things.