Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/22/a-visit-to-the-barbie-woodshop.html
That’s super cool; though a bit of gloss varnish over their eyes could add an extra spark of to Barbie and Ken.
That seems to augur well. I hope she can cope with the fame.
Barbie’s not one to blend into the woodwork
Neat miniature project, but readers should know that there are a lot of very talented women woodworkers that know exactly what they are doing in the shop. Two that come to mind right away are:
April Wilkerson: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=april+wilkerson
and Anne of All Trades: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=anne+of+all+trades+
What a wonderful account. With Barbie in the headline some folks might approach this dismissively, but it’s worth starting at the first post and let the story build.
New respect for Barbie. Might have to ask her to do a renovation on the pink dream house in our basement.
Love the Ron Swanson chart in the background, my first thought was “this is how Ron Swanson would play dolls with his daughters.”
I saw what you did there.
Certainly standing proud, at least.

… project that is getting out of hand.
What an understatement! They built a flame-thrower. A frickin’ 1/6th scale flame-thrower! And used it in a video!!! I wasn’t even aware that you could find this tool in a carpenter’s workshop…
I dunno, I’ve definitely had moments I could use one.
“Welp, messed that all up. Time to start over…” (FOOM!)
My first thought was “I call shenanigans. $5 says they made a life-sized Barbie, and had her posing with real tools.”
Seriously, that’s awesome.
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