Abortion conviction quashed, but woman charged after miscarriage still faces jail for "neglect"

… like a Christian Afghanistan.


Hands up, all women here who’ve given birth and verified within SECONDS after it came out that their baby was alive, especially after giving birth alone without any medical help.

Yeah, I don’t buy this argument either.


Did you really have to reproduce her photo? I know it’s everywhere, but still.


S’ok. Your anger’s righteous.


I still like your reaction better. The world’s a much better place if it’s skewed in a gentler direction. :slight_smile:


You forgot to put the quotes around “Christian”.
The Religious Right seem to have decided that the religion in question is the one that evangelists think of when they say Satanism.
(As opposed to real Satanism, which is frequently more like what Christianity is meant to be like, but without the deity/ies).

But that’s not legally actionable, that’s “fiscally conservative” and in their ideal society, the high rates of infant mortality in right wing dominated areas of the US would be deserving of medals for those implementing such objectively horrible practices.


Self-ascription is valid. They’re certainly Christians, just terrible human beings.

Let them be the only ones policing who is and who isn’t a “true Christian”.


Religious fantasy combined with rancid bigotry in a land that has never come to terms with its history born of genocide and slavery.


I’d exchange that luxury for the extra legroom


While I agree, that is a dangerous road to travel


I’d like to see them practice a bit more turning the other cheek on those they don’t approve of, rather than constantly attaching the impure.

They also seem to have completely forgotten that story about the ‘sinner’ woman and the first stone…


More importantly the legal abomination which she was prosecuted under was signed into law by Trump’s VP pick. Mike “pond scum looks down on me” Pence


There is no shortage of reasons why Mike Pence is a piece of shit. This certainly makes the top 5. Now we all have another reason not to vote for Trump. Besides the obvious ones of course.


Or just America.


Shit. Your body suffers a late miscarriage (autopsy of baby can prove it was probably rejected by the mother’s system because it was already dying from incompatibility with life), you are bleeding, in emotional shock and still are fucking arrested because the stillbirth didn’t start with a dead fetus?

I miscarried my first baby somewhere along three months. It wasn’t developed, just a weird whitish meat ball (probably the placenta with baby inside) and because there were no cellphones at the time and my husband was working a long shift I bled alone at home for six hours. If I lived in the States I shudder just thinking about being accused of killing said mass of whatever went wrong (doctors basically shrugged and said shit happens, try again - I tried - miscarried again).

Miscarriages are extremely common and for some reason no one talks much about the subject.

Btw, with some treatment I was able to keep two pregnancies and am raising my next generation of nerds that will change the world :slight_smile:


I’ve had the experience of flushing a bloody mass down the toilet. In Indiana that would be taken by a prosecutor as me destroying evidence of a crime. Not to mention that law they had that would have required me to have a funeral for it (despite there being no laws I’ve ever heard of requiring you to have a funeral for a 1-year-old or a 14-year-old or an 80-year-old). Criminalizing pregnancy.

(And thanks for sharing, people genuinely need to talk about miscarriage more so that more women know how common it is, especially with first pregnancies)


Indeed miscarriages happen often. More, the numbers are interesting, in early stage pregnancy. But certainly not uncommon in later stage. I think more women than we know had them.
Talking about it is not easy, rationally it is mostly for the best. It happens not for nothing. (Not with everyone, I know). But nature has her way. But, darn, that is the ratio.
The feelings are the thing we need to be able to talk about, the pain, the sorrow. (Even when it’s not a really unwelcome, even relieving, event. Yes, sometimes that’s also a thing). The feeling of loss, lost plans and future. Over here, if people talk about it it is like: “You can try again/go for it again”. Sure, but that does not address the not rationale.

The above message by law to woman, in combination with how often miscarriages happen and the feels around, completely horrifies me. Inhuman if I’m allowed to say that.


I think inhuman is a fine description. I didn’t realize quite how bad the situation in Indiana was until Pence was made VP candidate. Honestly, some of the things they’ve done in that state (the requirement for funerals especially, which was thankfully struck down) made me feel non-metaphorically nauseous. Criminalizing abortion is both an affront to human rights and a terrible policy decision. Criminalizing miscarriage is incomprehensible to me.


In that case, I’ll point out that I too had a number of miscarriages, including one far enough along to have to go to my prenatal clinic to get a D&C to make sure it was all cleared out, and then after taking a long while to make my peace with not being able to have children, discovered there was “one weird trick” to try – light medical intervention, basically – and sure enough, that worked.

I think all points of that are important, including the part about making peace if you find your body isn’t going along with your hopes and dreams (in either direction…pregnancy or not). Reality can be very cruel. Humans can decide to be part of the solution, or part of the problem. We know which way Pence leans.