Abortion conviction quashed, but woman charged after miscarriage still faces jail for "neglect"

Mike Pence’s state. That figures.


Set your expectations much, much lower.

Religion fills many needs in a life, some benefiting society, many that do not.


This… So much. I simply don’t understand. And the easy way out “I’m to stupid to understand”, does not work. How… Ever… Why?


Because the forced-birth movement isn’t about protecting life, it’s about punishing women for having unauthorised sex.

Cruelty is intrinsic to it; causing suffering isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


I couldn’t bring myself to like a lot of these comments. I wish I could hug a lot of you. I’ve had a miscarriage (actually a missed miscarriage that needed a D&C) and I was treated so very kindly by everyone I came into contact with. That should be the norm.


Except that when you punish miscarriages you are punishing a lot of women for having sex with their husbands for the purpose of procreation. It’s not even about punishing women for having sex anymore, it’s about punishing women merely for being women.


By not carrying the child to term, they obviously failed in their wifely duties, just like that Anne Boleyn tart. They were probably being punished by God for infidelity or inadequate subservience or something.

Besides, we all know that miscarriage is just a myth that women use to hide their abortion fetish. The female body has ways to shut these things down, don’t’cha know.

(Sorry, y’all; just pretending to think that way makes me feel icky)


My case was pretty similar: I have a very irregular period and after some years without protection I was profoundly shocked when I discovered I could get pregnant by losing a pregnancy.

Don’t even get me started on the trauma the second miscarriage was: I knew I could get pregnant, the test came positive, I scheduled a visit with the Ob-Gyn and IN THE MORNING OF THE DAY of my appointment I woke up bleeding. We ran to the hospital and I spent two weeks there, doing daily examinations, to determine if baby was alive or died. It was hell. When the levels of HCG started falling they took it as a sign the baby died and did a D&C. For a long, long time I was terrified of getting pregnant again.

I can’t think about all the things that could go terribly wrong for me if I lived in the USA. We have shitty public healthcare in my country, undermanned and unable to meet the needs of the population, but I never had to think about how would I pay for a two-week hospital stay with all kinds of examinations and a D&C.


What boggles the mind is that miscarriages mean there’s something wrong with the baby OR that there’s something wrong with the uterus OR that something generally failed in the process of guaranteeing a viable pregnancy (placenta didn’t stick, whatever).

Punishing women for miscarriage is basically being terribly ignorant of how Biology works. There’s no God in heaven that could have made that baby live. You can’t pray a brain into existence.

And if there was any chance AT ALL of saving the life of the tiny speckle that I spent two weeks fighting to keep, why God did this to me? I wanted that baby so much that 20 years later it still hurts. How can these people disregard this amount of pain and bereavement and blame the mother? Fuck them!


This! I regard that likely-not-genetically-viable parasitic blob that survived 9.5 weeks after it’s conception as my first child, and I still have painful loving memories of it.

If you could, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.

(You see what I did there)


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