Absolutely insane video of car driving backwards on highway and busy roads

I have a vague memory (from when I was about 5) of my aunt doing this for like 30 miles after leaving our house in the Colorado mountains back to her how down on the front range. So, going downhill on winding mountain roads…

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A lot of people can’t drive that well in reverse sober! :joy:


I know that, but they could have killed someone really easily. Not a rational choice by any means, but a selfish and thoughtless choice for sure.


Smoke Signals style:


something tells me this PSA video is only going to give people the idea, not discourage them from doing it.


Yeah, but most of my demographic chooses to just push it into the ditch and walk home! We’ll come back with the toolbox and a buddy when rush hour is over.


Fry Bread Power.


If this was for a YouTube video I’m going to punch somebody.


A drunk doesn’t drive that skillfully and that far in reverse. You should try it sometime.


They forgot the milk and had to go back.


I used to belong to a motor club, just like AAA. They’d call around and see which of their affiliates could get there the quickest, which is reassuring when it’s around 2-3 a.m. (getting out of work) and knowing they wouldn’t send anyone sketchy.That in itself was well worth the yearly fee. It’s about $50 now and a tow could be twice that. It more than pays for itself even if you only need it once a year.

Is it… The Muzak?

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Is it Benny Hill muzak?

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world star

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Killed someone? That’s a bit much…

They’re obviously trying a new tactic to get the first key.

I don’t think so. How many people die every year in vehicle accidents?

The salient question would be, “How many people die every year in vehicle accidents caused by people inappropriately driving in reverse?”
I don’t have any data on this, but I’m guessing the answer is something along the lines of, “a statistically insignificant number”.

One of the better applications of Yakety Sax that I’ve seen for a while.

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