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Uh… yes. Every idea borrows something from those that preceded it, and there are no wholly original thoughts out there. Everything relies and builds on what came before, or is happening simultaneously, whether or not the participants are consciously aware of the other activity. The phenomenon described in this post is proof of that.

Hm… here’s my issue with that kind of thinking.
It necessitates a date terminus.

If you can give me a day-month-year after which there were no new ideas then maybe I could be swayed to thinking as you do.
If not…

I’d still watch it if it had Bill Murray in it.


While I’m working up that thesis report, why don’t you come up with some examples of recent ideas that don’t borrow in any way from anything that came before?

Your the one who said that new things ended. I just asked you when.

So, tell me, when?

Let’s just cut to the chase.
Never is when.
If there was an ever… well there would be one.
But there is not.

Nor will ever there be.

All I could think of was another variant of The Captcha From Hell.

Click every box with a picture of a decrepit DC-3.

Ya got me, dude. I don’t have an official time of death for creative thought. My Magic 8 Ball keeps saying to ask later. However, I’m not sure why one needs a date stamp to demonstrate that creativity is not an activity that occurs in a vacuum, unaffected by any of what came before.

And by your logic, there are concepts in creativity at present that borrow/copy/steal nothing from prior works or schools of thought. Just wondering what those are so I can check 'em out. They must be super neat.

Moved the goal post a little didn’t you?

OK, give it to me, I’m ready.
Say it, you can say it.
I’ve heard it before, no doubt I’ll hear it again.

“Pence would be worse.”

Just following your point to its apparent conclusion. Either everything is somewhat derivative and interrelated, or there are current examples of creativity that have birthed themselves unencumbered of the baggage from prior works. Or, ya know, you can drop in another silly non sequitur.

“Nothing is new under the sun” is not the same statement as "nothing is ENTIRELY new under the sun.
Hence, moved, goal posts.
Nothing is new is just lazy thinking… it’s the kind of thing that people say so that they don’t have to think about something anymore, the same as the Pence statement.
Now, when presented with a cogent argument refuting such statement and digging in ones heels, well, that’s just obstinance.
Either one is OK, really. We all engage in both.

I’ve moved nothing. My initial reply said “Every idea borrows something from those that preceded It.” But by all means, don’t let facts get in the way of your argument.

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