Adam Savage compares the movie batarangs

Originally published at: Adam Savage compares the movie batarangs | Boing Boing


That was more enjoyable than watching the movies themselves.

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That headline made zero sense to me (until I opened the article to try and figure it out).

Not having a clue what a batarang is probably didn’t help, but even so…

“…compares the movie batarangs” with what? (Is ‘batarangs’ a movie?)

“…compares Batman movie batarangs” would have stopped my brain from recoiling when it tried to parse that headline.

For the Batfans, yesterday’s BBC Antiques Roadshow had a piece about Batman film props. The show was recorded at Wollaton Hall which was used as the home of Bruce Wayne in one of the films.

You can probably get to see it on iPlayer with a VPN if not in UK.

You can read about it below.

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