After 7 years, UK's Iraq War inquiry releases 2.6M word report damning Tony Blair and the invasion

Sure… it’s clear there was also a fair amount of deception on the public about why we were there in the first place…


People were extensively lied to, and one of those involved in repeating the lies was Keith Rupert Murdoch. The one who is currently trying to get the far-Right Michael Gove made British PM, the one Ken Clarke said would start three wars without thinking.
Newspaper proprietors love wars, they sell advertising space. And people continually forget this.


Mainly, because they are too busy being scared of brown people… :frowning:


Like I say, it’s a Rorschach test, and you’re seeing what you want to see. As apparently are the Independent.

So different people see it different ways? Same for climate change and humans living alongside dinosaurs.


Read it again, including the bolded direct quote from the report.

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I see a butterfly!

Are you sure it’s not just a day flying moth? Check the antennae.

Now, about the Chilcott report…

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I am totally lame and tend to believe the mainstream media reporting* - most of them agree that the report is not exactly in favour of Blair.

But then I’m biased and don’t think the Rorschach test has any usefulness.

* eta: it is impossible that I will read the 2.6M word salad myself…

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Unless I missed something, the “extraordinary claim” was WMD in Iraq. If I misread @renke then I’ll say it myself: The extraordinary claim was WMD in Iraq.

I don’t know how things went in Parliament in the U.K. but I can say “We should invade Iraq because I really really want to even though they clearly have nothing to do with September 11” wouldn’t have been taken very seriously in Congress.


Most Muslims are not Arab, and the “Islam civil war”, as you call it, has been fought in non-Arab Muslim countries too.


It’s a great point, but in the USA helping people directly reeks of communism.

The best you can do is hand enormous sums to a corporation and hope they do something useful…

Some don’t mind so much. (Especially 150 years ago.)

Though, modern Mormons are less likely to cleave to the broad strokes of the United Order. The Bishop’s Storehouse is a vestige, but the polygamous groups are the sole modern practitioners.

FLDS members in Colorado City, AZ have their homes and other big ticket property owned by the FLDS Church. People lose their homes when they stop believing there.

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