Originally published at: After massive deflation, TSLA remains overpriced compared to other automakers | Boing Boing
Motely Fool has been passive agressively cheering Tesla on for a while now but today at the end of an article trying to answer whether or not to buy Tesla stock is this juicy bit of pom poms down:
Should you invest $1,000 in Tesla right now?
Before you consider Tesla, you’ll want to hear this.
The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just revealed their 10 Best Buys Now… and Tesla wasn’t one of them.
Every day it feels like Tesla will be the 21st Century Atari - created a new industry, became synonymous with a technology, ludicrous valuation only to crash into irrelevancy a few years later as the grown ups arrived.
At no point did this make sense. A part of the price crash is Musk (Uh! That guy!) but a big part of that is the market realizing it overpaid.
Soy un perdedor.
Cue the online Musk sycopharmy suddenly and very loudly having the epiphany that “the stock market isn’t everything, and is just a bunch of rich elitists gambling who don’t understand real value and innovation”
Cryptocurrency is real value and innovation, though.
The Market always knew it was overpaying
The Market is now realizing the Greater Fool is the guy in the mirror again
The market cap of Tesla never made any sense. It was always going to be much easier for the established automakers to swap in electric powerplants than for Tesla to scale up from a niche brand to a major automaker.
Cariño, entonces, ¿por qué no me matas?
Confirmation that Paedolon Musk is an inveterate testicle spotter.
Such a classy gentleman.
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