After Texas mosque burned, Jews gave Muslims keys to synagogue

Perhaps you are simplifying for brevity, but as is, there is in fact room for controversy in this statement as worded.

This part pretty directly contradicts first hand source material available even in English. As phrased you seem to be talking about policy or at least sweeping generality and as such this goes against what was in fact both national domestic, colonial and military policy all of which was widely publicized.

Anyway, I asked for clarification, you answered, thank you.

I mean…

But you’re certainly welcome for clarification.


If memory serves; being eligible to persist in your errors for just a small additional fee is the perk that ‘people of the book’ status got you. Garden-variety heathens were not extended the same courtesy.


I dont deny that race theory existed but if one takes the time to RTFA there:

The document was classified, had a print run of only a hundred copies, had little effect on the war,

Since the document was written by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and not by the military or foreign policy establishment, it is unclear what type of political impact it would have had.

Japan has always had a dualism when dealing with the outside world, both trying to understand how others see the world while simultaneously trying to find a balance between domestic ways and foreign ways. The Jinshu and Minzoku paragraph of that article is a good example. Blood still does matter here in how people are thought of but that is also just an extension of a Soto/Uchi (inside/outside) pattern that affects domestic life as much as forign relations. John Dower (referenced in that article) has written some good stuff on this.

I dont really get what you are saying here.

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