After two years of silence, Primitive Technology returns to build a new thatched workshop

Originally published at: After two years of silence, Primitive Technology returns to build a new thatched workshop | Boing Boing


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that there are subtitled captions/comments for Primitive Technology builds, if I’d only just turn them on.


It’s good to have this channel back, I always thought it was interesting content.


His channel is neat, but I think a lot of people watch for a greater narrative arc that isn’t there. People kept waiting for him to go Bronze Age or Iron Age but if you watch long enough, you find him redoing the same kinds of projects over and over. That’s when I lost interest. He does experiment with different kinds of furnaces and such over the years and he did attempt to work with bacterial iron deposits he found in a creek, but he quickly realized the limits of a mud furnace in the attempt and went back to building the same huts and squash gardens over and over.

He also bought new land in a different part of Australia just before he went on hiatus that was supposed to have better natural resources, so hopefully that will change. He quickly hit one of the problems that people don’t think about in the modern age- not every area has everything, and if your land doesn’t happen to have ores or fuels, your people aren’t ever advancing past dirt and sticks.


How fun! Missed this stuff

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I just like that it looks so much like the vacant lots we used to explore behind our grandparent’s house in Crystal River, Florida. My brothers and I loved trying to build forts and find lost treasure.


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