The Primitive Technology guy builds a water-powered hammer

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I love his videos. He starts from absolutely nothing, and now I think that he’s up to the iron age. So long as you can pull your weight enough to not be a food source, this is the person you want when rebuilding civilization from scratch.


He should really just slap four pieces of wood together to craft a workbench; then he can at least can craft a shoddy wooden axe out of three pieces of wood and three sticks.

It’s like he’s never even heard of mine craft.


Is he involved with anthropological studies, or does he largely reproduce this stuff on his own? I agree, he’d be a handy guy to know.


Been done before.

I got one of these for my birthday. I was going to post a video, but you beat me to it.

When the alien archeologists arrive after Trump’s nuclear holocaust wipes us out, this guy’s camp site is going to really confuse them.


This guy is going to be producing armor by 2026


Deer scarer. Same principle, from medieval Japan.

I’ve watched all of these in order now. It is clear where it is all heading. Wake me up when he gets to the moon.


It seems likely that it’s ALL been done before! :wink:

(I trust you’re not one of those “pics or it didn’t happen” people, 'cos I’m gonna need a time machine in that case.)

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[quote=“RickMycroft, post:3, topic:100094”]
He starts from absolutely nothing, and now I think that he’s up to the iron age.
[/quote]He’s not. He’s clever, but he’s not in the iron age - he doesn’t have the means or ability to use iron as his material of choice for his tools. He’s essentially in the earlyNeolithic era, not even to the copper age yet. If we can even compare it to the prior historical ages, because he’s not discovering, he’s using existing knowledge to create something novel which, if it were in the appropriate age, is anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years early - like, some of his stuff is mid-neolithic, but then he’s also got modern-inspired firing kilns, which even in it’s most basic form is about 3000 years ahead of his other technology. It’s like trying to perform an archeological study on a bloody time-traveler.

Also, this thread is weirdly identical to every reddit thread about this guy. Don’t trust reddit Pseudo-archeologists and Anthropologists.


In one of his videos he does take some rusty muck and reduce it down to iron. It’s a long way from there to turning it into tools, true. His metallurgy projects may be limited by what’s available at that location.


[quote=“RickMycroft, post:14, topic:100094, full:true”]
In one of his videos he does take some rusty muck and reduce it down to iron. It’s a long way from there to turning it into tools, true. His metallurgy projects may be limited by what’s available at that location.
[/quote]If he’s “Discovered” Metallurgy, that at best puts him near the cusp of the copper age(two before the Iron age), but without a ready source, that still keeps him in the Neolithic age. A little unfair, maybe, but that’s the way these things are measured, in a rough sense - After all, it’s the reason that most cultures entered these ages at different times.

And while I don’t recognize his specific location, I do recognize the geology and plant-life, along with the climate and weather on his filming times - Dude is in Far North Queensland. There’s iron around, there’s copper, there’s resources. He isn’t going to get much, but it’s around to find - and I strongly suspect there’s iron in his area, due to the rusty muck. He’s essentially discovered bog iron somewhere in the area. But hey, who knows? Maybe finding some bog iron can be a project for him in the future.


Please stop click baiting off a genuinely creative soul. He needs boingboing like he needs Trump living in his wattle and daub, barrel tile hut. Seriously boingboing, back off.

[quote=“Barafundle, post:16, topic:100094, full:true”]
He needs boingboing like he needs Trump living in his wattle and daub, barrel tile hut.
[/quote]Uh, he doesn’t. It’s just his hobby.


I presume he uses a video camera that he made from natural materials with his bare hands??

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Is he aware that someone has (apparently) been sneaking around, filming him covertly, and then posting it to the internet?


Just once in these videos I want a shot of him cutting a log with a circular saw that’s plugged into a generator.

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