Hey, she’s been accommodated so don’t appropriate her body because it’s her choice not to systemize the racism of mask guidelines with the woke synergy of canceled cultural marxism!
The more people try to twist terminology to serve their own bullshit, the more you see that they don’t understand what it originally means, and of course they don’t care.
I find it frustrating that her data is so off.
My source is the JH Covid site
with a calculator and less than a minute I was able to derive that 1 worldwide the Death rate is 2.1% and in the us it is 1.8% rounding up to 2% the recovery rate should be the inverse of world wide 97.9% and 98 % respectively. Which seems fine until you apply numbers to it and it is 573000 in the US and 3.1 million world wide.
Looks like they’ve moved beyond just culture and are now, nonsensically, appropriating Black oppression too. There’s absolutely nothing they won’t try to take, and I’m sure Black voting rights, personhood and lives are included on that list. All while screaming about how they’re the real victims, of course.
They think it is some kind of ritual. They don’t believe in Black oppression, but Black people still get to take attention away from them. They are just trying to find the right words so that they can get that attention back.
Ritual seems to explain so much about how Q/Republicans works.
This is not really new. Conservatives have been invoking Dr. King to demonize BLM protesters (ignoring just how confrontational protesters were during the Civil Rights era) and have been comparing themselves to Rosa Parks for ages. They try to twist pretty much anything in history to show that they are correct and it’s liberals who are the real fascists…