Originally published at: AI firm pays people to use their faces in deepfaked corporate videos | Boing Boing
So, it’s like OnlyFans, but it leaves you feeling dirty and exploited afterwards?
I’m sure nothing will go wrong when people rent out their faces to a tech corporation.
“I never thought Leopards Eating Faces LLC would eat my face!”
“Language Learning” is one of their use cases. I really would not trust an AI to pronounce things correctly in a language I’m learning.
i need to start my own company for this! The OneHour FakeryBakery!
It can replace the old one hour photo shops.
The devil will be in the legal fine print details. Just which rights over your own image does the company acquire, and are they exclusive?
i.e. can they:
- Copyright takedown against family photo albums.
- Legal action if you appear in any kind of performance while not wearing a mask or paper bag.
If instagram girl voice gets replaced I’m for it.
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