Airline etiquette

The “not gaining traction” is the problem, not my idea. Which is logical, and should work if people were considerate and mannered (as I am being accused of not being).

On this topic, which again is about someone who was attacked, you are letting us know you want little kids to wait on the plane as long as possible so as to be the minimum inconvenience on others like yourself.
I wonder if you have any idea what you sound like.


Oh, if I’m travelling with a partner in a middle or window seat, I’d be happy to wait for all the other aisle seat passengers to deplane before me, even if I’m on the aisle. That’s called “being considerate,” as a recognition of the efficiency I gain by being on the aisle when I’m travelling solo.

There’s no reason why there shouldn’t be at least the opportunity given to aisle passengers to deplane before any middle or window passengers.

Especially when almost everybody chooses the cheapest way to go if they’re spending their own money. People sometimes rave about how civilized air travel was in the 60s without realizing that adjusted for inflation, ticket prices were roughly equivalent to modern first class tickets. Whether it is steerage, immigrant trains, or squeeze 'em in coach aircraft seats, the cheapest way to travel will ALWAYS be uncomfortable, because the people paying for the cheapest tickets don’t want to or can’t pay the extra to be comfortable. For most people the choice is between discomfort or not going.


You actually think that off-topic complaining on a forum like the BBS is going to somehow effect real change in the airline industry’s protocols regarding how they deplane passengers?

I’m guessing not.


Yup! I sound like somebody who happily pays taxes for schools that I’ll never have kids use, but who also recognizes that parents don’t want the annoyed glares from people like me while they deal with the results of their bad decision to fly with kids.

I might be a monster, but so are over-entitled parents who think the world should automatically bend to whatever’s easiest for them. If it’s such an imposition to stay in your middle or window seat with your children for another 10 minutes while adults who have planned ahead exit efficiently from their aisle seats, maybe consider not flying.


This is why airports moved baggage claim all the way across the airport from the gates, so that you don’t get to baggage claim and fume that your bag hasn’t made it yet. Far fewer people think to complain “they wasted my time with this intentionally inefficient airport design!” and the rate of complaints has thereby dropped.


This sounds like a particle dynamics problem. It would be interesting to see if anyone has done a test. The issue with groups/families is certainly a big problem but interesting none the less.

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Because of course you can be sure it was a bad decision, since it inconveniences you, and of course their main concern is glares from people like you, because who on earth would a parent be paying more attention to than you and what you think about them? Why can’t they wait a few extra minutes so that you don’t have to? :unamused:

At least those parents are looking after someone other than themselves. What’s your excuse to be so desperate not to wait for them, to the point where you were willing to derail an entire thread over an actual victim to be about that instead?


None I’ve ever flown on, and that’s most of them. It’s First/Business Class, Mileage class holders, then back-to-front. Southwest uses a system that’s hypothetically different but functionally front-to-back as people pick their seats in the order they board.


Until materials science manages something cheap and strong enough to allow for doors which span the entire passenger seating area, boarding and unboarding planes will continue to suck, no matter how you slice it.

The key to air travel is being patient, and not being a dick. These are two different, but complementary skills. It really, really is the mode of travel where you have the least amount of control, and fraught with many different types of challenges.


So the mom should get up and go, leaving the 2yo in the middle seat and the 4yo in the window seat, and hope the two kids know when it is each of their turns to deplane?


This article seems to agree with Karyudo.

One thing I agree with article about is why not use multiple doors? The time they would save would certainly pay for any additional infrastructure.


They generously suggested making the mom and kids all wait until last. I wonder if letting them off first would be an alternative they’d consider…

From the article:

The one major disadvantage of this method is that it would prohibit people who sit next to each other from deboarding together — a real problem for families with small children, among others. Perhaps a policy could be instituted that makes exceptions for these people.

This is as far as they go in addressing the concern people have here. And even if you’re journeying with other adults so it isn’t the same problem to get off separately, I imagine every single group disembarking and then waiting around in the same place to try to find each other again could destroy a lot of the gains. The simulations they’re talking about only consider how to move individual bodies around efficiently, not any interactions between people, but that’s just not how travel is or even should be.


Unless you have a really tight connection or really, really need to go to the bathroom, is a quick exit all that important? I mean, I guess to beat the line for passport control, but even then, walking fast once off the plane gets you more than deplaning quickly in that case.

Depends on the airline. Most would charge you if they could.


Even if we had the superior judgment to book an aisle seat?


So did everyone else, so you still have to wait your turn. It’s all aisle seats these days! /s