Airline passenger who tried to open jet door in flight given a £85,000 bill

Nobody wants to hear this. We cling on to the assumption that if “something very bad” happens inside the plane, we always have the option of opening the emergency door and …erm… doing something. Knowing that we’re trapped inside the plane is just claustrophobic.

Or maybe she’s trying to signal the Freemasons. Everyone knows AA controls the Freemasons, and all judges are Freemasons.


All you have to say is “Tubal Cain”

[looking back fondly to the days when Joe Rogan was an amusing sitcom actor and not a gateway to the alt-right]


Are we sure that she’s not a sleeper agent for the Circle Trigon party?


Blimey! I’d never heard of that. I, for one, welcome our Trigon masters!


So did John Lithgow!


This is exactly why I have no more than two drinks on any given flight.

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A braver soul never lived…

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Contrast, if you will:


Maybe they are worried that somebody could break the handle when trying to open the door? That would be super expensive to fix or replace. Clearly the airline knows it’s impossible to actually open. The door seems like a non-sequitor. I wonder if the fee is more about the extra docking fee and fuel to land. And maybe a fee from the RAF.

Also I wonder if they expect her to pay. I make a decent living and 100k would take decades to pay off on top of my normal expenses. Are we assuming she’s going to declare bankruptcy? I don’t know UK laws about that.

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First they tell you you’re not allowed to light up a cigarette during flight, then they tell you you’re not allowed to step outside. It’s fascism, I tell you!


Wow. I blacked out a couple of times when I was in my early 20’s, but I can’t even imagine being drunk enough to try to open a jet door in flight.


I’ve blacked out while drinking a few times and the worst thing i’ve done was eat a corn dog (i hate corn dogs).


From reading threads about this event on aviation blogs, it really does depend on the door and in some cases it might have been possible for her to open it.

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Really? I always assumed that given the pressure difference that you’d need hulk strength to open that thing even if the safety mechanisms failed.

Some doors are just locked in place. They are remotely locked though but I don’t think pressure is always holding them there.

I prefer to think of it as courtesy. Would the other passengers appreciate it when, after my third glass of wine, I start running up and down the aisle shouting my one-act mashup of Hamlet and The Beastmaster? Obviously I think it’s brilliant, but now I know that some of the passengers missed their connecting flight after we made the emergency landing.

I admit I found it very gratifying when all of the passengers stood and clapped enthusiastically while the police escorted me away.

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I once woke up in Ramsgate – I have no idea how. Lost weekend.


Were there snakes on the plane? I know that I would try to get away from snakes. on a plane.

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