Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/20/airline-passenger-who-tried-to.html
The unspoken mission is that they’re there to shoot the plane down if the crew loses control.
What would be the force required to open a pressurised cabin door?
That amount sounds right for the add-on “Arsehole Surcharge”.
Fly the friendly skies! Or not…
3 shots of any alcohol courage.
Some googling returns a couple of articles saying something in the range of 24,000 lbs. for a typical airliner’s door.
[Edited to delete unfounded assumption about the woman’s mental state.]
I think she was just drunk as fuck. Other stories described her as being intoxicated when she tried to open the door. So yeah, just an inebriated asshole. (But no amount of drunk was going to give her the strength to open those doors, of course.)
Maybe she saw something on the wing…
I hope news of this gets out to other idiots who might think it’s funny, or worth copying, or whatever. They could even slap a label on the doors, or make a pre-flight announcement: “WARNING: $100,000 PENALTY FOR TOUCHING EXIT DOOR HANDLE IN FLIGHT”. It makes as much sense as telling us the penalty for tampering with the lavatory smoke detectors.
I want to know the level of fine they levied at the passengers who videoed this in portrait mode.
Video plays automatically. Not cool, guys.
In her court appearance, she’s clearly wearing a circle-triangle necklace, which is the Alcoholics Anonymous symbol. So she’s obviously got some issues with drinking and other stuff. I wonder if her displaying it prominently is for courage or an attempt to appease the court?
The original incident might have been newsworthy, and even the fine the woman has been ordered to pay. Mainly because it is ridiculously high.
But all comments about her character are completely unacceptable and the fact that men (of course this is a guess derived from the avatars and nicks) are commenting about a woman’s state of mind in the anonymity of a message board reeks of gamergateism.
That she was an inebriated asshole? That’s pretty clear, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s fair game. We comment on Walmart Women and Florida Men and the three comments here out of fifteen hardly make for any kind of “gamergateism”. Yes, Gamergateism is a thing, and it’s a bad thing, But IMO that is not what is happening here. £85,000 is a lot of money, and my guess is the offender got the tab for scrambling the RAF, or a portion of it. Anyone who endangers an aircraft full of people is likely to come in for some criticism.
And surely in that case you’d tear the handle off before you got the door open?
Please consider not linking to The Sun, for reasons that are many and varied but can be explored starting here or here. The Sun isn’t our whacked-out equivalent of The Weekly World News, it’s a dangerous and at best amoral influence on British culture that happily spreads misery and hatred - the polar opposite of what BB means to me.
yep. seems like its virtually impossible to open a cabin door in high altitudes; first(!) hit after googling “actually, you cant open a door in flight”:
While the news never fails to report these events, it seldom mentions the most important fact: you cannot –- repeat, cannot — open the doors or emergency hatches of an airplane in flight. You can’t open them for the simple reason that cabin pressure won’t allow it…The doors are further held secure by a series of electrical and/or mechanical latches.
second hit: