Al Shabab declares plastic bags to be unislamic, bans their use in jihadi-controlled Somali territory

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


haram. the word is haram. it is the opposite of halal.


He added, “I don’t know why sanitation, and the health of the environment, is important but not the health workers.”

Because that’s how RELIGION works, it don’t make no sense ever.


Nothing like an environmentally woke rapist, murderer and slavemonger, I always say…


It’s like they are rolling a 20-sided-die and consulting a chart, “What shall we declare next? I got a six… hmmm…”


It’s not random at all, although I know it’s fun to ridicule religion. Most religions solidly support protecting the environment. Rejecting a major source of pollution makes sense whether one is Christian, Muslim, or Jew.

Throwing out the humanitarian workers should be the real story here, but it’s not as silly and fun.


I can already see where this is going to go:

“Banning plastic is an ISIS conspiracy to destroy the West!!”


Baby steps, folks. This is a good thing.

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Religions do make sense, in the context of their internal rules. If you’re not in the club, and are seeing it from the outside it won’t make sense, but from inside it’s totally logical.
There can be holes in the logic, but if you’re in the system it can be difficult to spot them, because you will be directed away from those logical failures, or it’s excused as a test of faith, or in some cases excommunicated before you can point out the errors to others.
Same is true of political ideologies and economic theory.
When they work they can all be helpful under certain circumstances for society, but the main problem is they are all too inflexible.
Things don’t have to be truthful to work, you can do a lot with high school level chemistry for example, but the rules are one step removed from alchemy in terms of what is actually going on.
That said, I dropped religion after actually thinking about it for the first time.

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But do they have an opinion on Kurkure corn puffs?

No Al Shabab.
Yes Shish Kebab

I never consider that, but I think it could easily go that way.
Western conspiracy theory mongers will use this as a basis for why “conservation” is evil.


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