Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey: "It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down"

The Dark Knight Reaction GIF

More like a year and six months.

We were working on a vaccine basically as soon as we identified that it was NCOV-SARS-2.

That republicans didn’t bother actually promoting the vaccine till now in favor of trying to keep everything open and campaigning for herd immunity, shows exactly how willing they are to sacrifice their own and other people’slives to the economy.


We can’t lionize poliyicians as heroes for doing the bare minimum their jobs are defined as (let’s say, trying to not let a bunch of their constituency die).

This move may have minor personal costs, but politicians are supposed to act in the public interest, and encouraging people to get vaccinated in a pandemic isn’t heroic. It’s the absolute least she could do.

“Good job. You did your job. Here’s the paycheck you would have gotten for doing the minimum sufficient effort”

It’s not like people who actually work for a living get promoted or raises or anything for doing the minimum expected duties.


Came here to say this.

and while i didn’t listen to her whole thing, with that quote: blaming individuals and not blaming the real culprits - the republican establishment and conservative media - she’s still not doing the bare minimum.

it reminds me of these yard signs that i see on my commute which say: “you got this”, “you can do this” in reference to covid.

it makes me angry every time. all those houses are owned by wealthy white people who probably were able to work from their almost mansion houses all last year. so yeah sure, put the effort all on the rest of us, and don’t contribute anything to the social good. “you got this” is very different than “we’re in this together.”

it’s all toxic individuality in my opinion. governor ivey included


Of course it’s fictional. Nobody recorded it. I just feel that the Writer of the episode really nailed the difference between the conservative and the liberal point of view, especially re the social contract. I asked his agent for the script, but they replied (very nicely and politely) that they don’t do that.

As for his mental illness, he was committed after this, but discharged after three months. I suspect that was a political choice, threading the needle so he wouldn’t become too much a martyr, and yet wouldn’t walk away scot free; also his only crime was theft of the bottle of wine. My completely uninformed and non-expert opinion is he surely had an impulse control problem, and made some choices that got him in trouble later (one episode of heroin dealing), but was not seriously mentally ill.

Here’s the Wikipedia: Michael Fagan (intruder) - Wikipedia

A close friend spent time with Kay about 15 years ago. This was around the time she was running for State Treasurer. She had her hand-gun training certificate taped to her front door, presumably to deter any would-be intruders well-bred enough to try the door first.

She’s an appalling person, very noisy and densely opinionated. The neighbor who made the introduction used to call her the World’s Oldest Cheerleader when not in her presence. She was also openly racist in a faux-naive way, declaring, among other things, that the photos in the local paper featured too high a ratio of black people. She is exactly the sort of woman who has discovered that the best way to earn the approval of conservative men is to shill for them.

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Agree with the sentiment, but do note that about 14% if the state is under age 10 and so not yet eligible.

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Too bad the NCAA won’t say something similar in regards to the upcoming College Football season.

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