Alabama rules embryos are babies

That means they can be declared as dependents on their parents taxes right? So having 16 frozen embryos means you have 16 dependents regardless of whether you ever plan to implant them.


A reporter asked Tommy Tuberville his thoughts on this ruling, and he first said he thought it was great because we need more babies. Then the reporter asked him about how this was going to make IVF harder to get in Alabama, and I’m pretty sure I saw an actual blue screen of death in his eyes. The man clearly had not one fucking iota of a clue what IVF was or what this ruling was about.

Here’s the interview. It starts at about the :30 mark.


This is one of those things that makes me feel like forced birthers are perhaps just a wee bit disingenuous about their beliefs - that if they really felt that embryos were “children,” then surely they’d be demanding at least a fraction of the kind of medical interventions given to actual sick children be also given to these embryos to help them survive.

Just in general, really, about everything.


Has it been mentioned that Tommy Tuberville is deeply stupid?



IVF and “rape and incest” are the hills that “personhood begins at conception” goes to die on. Because if you actually believe that, then OF COURSE IVF is murder and rape or incest does not justify murder. And while there are a few people, including the judge in Alabama really believe that, what most anti abortionists are really bothered by is women having consequence-free sex. And both couples desperate to have babies and women who have been raped have stories that are sympathetic to them. Most of them have an ill-formed gut feeling that single women having sex without having to worry is WRONG rather than a carefully considered idea of where “personhood begins at conception,” logically leads.

Of course when I see the bumper sticker “every abortion stops a beating heart,” I think “So does fishing, but I don’t see these people trying to ban that”

  • and of course that isn’t actually true, because the “heartbeat” that people are talking about in early fetal development isn’t that, it is the nerve signals for a heart that has not yet developed.

And of course when the forced birth lobby says “We need more babies,” what they REALLY mean is "We need more white babies. Because getting more workers by simply allowing more brown people to emigrate is crazy talk. Even though that would be significantly cheaper as a whole because we as a society wouldn’t need to raise them from infancy to working age.


Red turning purple turning blue is the other Great Replacement that they’re worried about, although they’re finally saying the final part out-loud of abandoning democracy.


Coach-as-senator sends my mind here (excerpted to relevant part):


(I mean, it’s worse than that, but having been a scrawny, unathletic kid, someone’s being a coach isn’t much of a credential, for me)


So many ramifications, in so many directions.

But this

ruling could mean parents cannot opt to discard embryos, which happens for a number of reasons

Implies that this sort of scenario is plausible:

  • parents stop paying for embryo storage (die, emigrate beyond jurisdiction, whatever)
  • IVF clinic must maintain them (to avoid corporate murder charges)
  • IVF clinic goes bust (can’t afford all that ‘freebie’ maintenance)
  • no liquidator/administrator can be found to manage an orderly corporate dissolution (nobody wants to be on the hook for embryos not being maintained)
  • power company cannot turn off power to facility (fears corporate murder charges if embryos thaw)

… and so it goes on. At some point does the state become responsible? Will shareholders as a class get charged with murder?

This is one of the most fuckwitted judicial rulings I’ve ever heard.


Just goes to show that law school and a judicial seat do not work as markers of intellect.

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Tommy Tuberville in one sentence, folks.



Alabama State Tree:

Alabama State Bird:

Alabama State Fish:

Alabama State Flower:

Alabama GOP:


This was the first mistake. This is a man who has proven his ignorance repeatedly. He couldn’t even admit white nationalism was rooted in racism. In these remarks it’s clear he has no clue what the reporter is actually asking or what the actual issue is.


If other states applied the same rule as Alabama, what would be the impact on the allocation of seats in Congress? I imagine blue states would be more IVF-friendly and so at the next census they’d gain seats from all the frozen embryos at the expense of red states.


it has nothing to do with being smart. it’s about power.


oh , he knows. he’s just not brave enough to say it aloud. if the gop does well this next election, he’ll find his courage. no doubt at all


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