Alabama woman charged with manslaughter of unborn baby while actual shooter goes free

This is my point EXACTLY. We don’t have the facts to place blame here with part of an news article as our evedence.

That is precisely what the state is doing here, blaming the person who got shot on the death of the fetus. Even if she started the fight, at most she should be liable for assault. The shooter’s guilt is what should be tested in the courts, not that of the woman who lost her pregnancy. The state is doing this precisely because of the retrograde views on pregnancy and women in the state by the majority party.

The SHOOTER needs to be on trial, not the person who got shot. At MOST she could be charged with assault. The woman they are charging with murder (to ensure that we all know that FETUSES are more important than women!!!) did not shoot the fetus herself, but she was SHOT. FFS. THEY ARE CHARGING THE WRONG PERSON.


That’s not very pro life, is it?

If they were really pro life, they would be against war, against capital punishment, against systemic injustice, and for a better quality of life for all. But they’re against legalized abortion, so I guess one of of… everything else?.. ain’t bad.

Except it isn’t even that. Strengthening practically any part of the social safety net reduces abortion numbers while improving quality of life. This idea that being against legalized abortion will help to reduce the number of abortions is lunacy. There are more and better ways to do that. Criminalizing abortion only deepens the gap between rich and poor.

I consider myself pro life even though I don’t think criminalizing abortion is the way to go. Why not? I like life. I don’t like the death penalty or war, and I am in favor of policies that improve the quality of life for all. That is a lot more pro life than those who simply wish to criminalize abortion.


The courts look down on “but he was a racist” when a racist dork gets a bloodied nose after said racist dork literally threatened lives, but here you are arguing that escalting to lethal weaponry is a-OK.


You should have stopped right there.


I think some of the posters ARE in fact arguing about self-defense.

for example.

I am saying just because she got shot does not mean she innocent.

Yeah, she might not exactly be a babe in the woods, but does that really matter? Under the laws of a sane country, she didn’t commit manslaughter.


NONE OF US ASKED TO BE HERE! And once again, the concern these people have for children stops the second they’ve cleared the womb.

One man, two women – one with a his baby and one with a gun – who to blame? Why not follow the trail back and say it’s his fault for being so careless with his sperm and affections?


By the way, welcome to BoingBoing, comrade. Voices of reason and compassion are welcome here.


Yes. Agreed. The murder charges are bogus.

Here is my argument, we don’t know this. If the shooter clearly was defending her self in accordance with the law, she probably should not be on trial. if it is iffy then yes. Being shot does not automatically make you in the wrong, though often it is a strong hint in that direction. If the shootee was yelling at the shooter and the shooter just shot her, the shooter surely should be tried. If the shootee was just about to bludgeon the shooter to death I think that was self defense.

I am in full accord with that.

Mindysan made the point better. You’re making the argument that the shooter is justified to use self-defense. That’s not the question. The issue is charging the person who was shot with murder of her fetus, for being shot.


YES. SHE IS. Just because they were in a fight DOES NOT MEAN the other woman had to pull a gun on her. Do you pull a gun with every single altercation you get into? Do you shoot people you’re having a fight with, even a physical one? ONE person pulled a gun and used it. It’s NOT the woman being charged with a crime.

Please form a committee to decide at just what points of being threatened and/or assaulted, what types of self-defense people are allowed to use. Please include variable conditions for a variety of options for the victim to evaluate and choose from, at the moment of being threatened and/or assaulted. If possible, please include a detailed list of examples for conditions under which the aggressor(s) need not accept responsibility or liability for their actions; also conditions under which the threatened/assaulted party will automatically assume responsibility or liability for their chosen method of defending themself.

I am saying, and I have tried to be clear about this, as a last ditch effort to save your life, yes lethal weaponry is a-OK. If she was just slapped or something, no it is not.

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Yes exactly! I don’t know if there was a self-defense trial or if the police/DA felt it was clearly self-defense (and how good that was). I think some sort of assult charge is the correct charge (in the case of self-defense).

She’s innocent of what she got charged with. She may be guilty of assault. If that’s what she’d been charged with, we wouldn’t be talking about it.

You made it about self-defense, which was not the point.


I probably should have stopped right before the “So” part and just moved on with my day… But the rest is just in support of “I don’t know” I think the murder charge is bogus, maybe assult is the right thing, but again, I dont think that we have enough evendence to say. Maybe you have more knowledge then just this article on this tragic event.


No human being should be forced to live in Alabama. :frowning:


Basically, the charges against the shooter didn’t stick, so they decided to charge the pregnant woman instead.

Police say Marshae Jones and Ebony Jemison got into a dispute over Jones’ unborn baby’s father on December 4, 2018 outside of a Dollar General store, reported last year.

Reid told that the fight stemmed over the unborn child’s father.

Police said Jones initiated and escalated the fight that led to her being shot.

“Let’s not lose sight that the unborn baby is the victim here,’’ Reid told the outlet. “She had no choice in being brought unnecessarily into a fight where she was relying on her mother for protection.”

“All indications and all evidence point to the fact of the victim or the other of the unborn child was the aggressor, she is no longer listed as the victim, the only victim we have here is that unborn child,” Reid told WIAT.

Jemison (the shooter) was charged with murder but police amended the charge to manslaughter, reported last year.

The charge against her was dismissed after a grand jury failed to indict her, reported this week. Police had said that Jemison was forced to defend herself after Jones initiated and pressed the fight.

Though Jemison was the only one charged at the time, Pleasant Grove Lt. Danny Reid told in 2018 that “the mother’s involvement and culpability will be presented to a grand jury” as well.

“The investigation showed that the only true victim in this was the unborn baby,” Reid told “It was the mother of the child who initiated and continued the fight which resulted in the death of her own unborn baby.”

“When a 5-month pregnant woman initiates a fight and attacks another person, I believe some responsibility lies with her as to any injury to her unborn child,” he said. “That child is dependent on its mother to try to keep it from harm, and she shouldn’t seek out unnecessary physical altercations.”