The original post is a video of a piece of performance art by AP. Discussions of the merit of that art, or of the effect it has (or doesn’t have) on the viewer are perfectly legitimate responses in the comments section. Are we to be restricted to fawning praise of this work, and of her work in general? Does a discussion require deep analysis, or is a viewers’ reaction valid anyway? Is this a place for fans only?
Wow, that makes TWO new accounts created for the sole purpose of trash talking AFP instead of discussing any topic relevant to the post itself (say, the daily mail article, AFP’s specific response to it, or slut shaming and body image distortion in the media generally, or the power of the bully pulpit - here, a newspaper’s bully pulpit set against a musician’s bully pulpit - the possibilities abound)
I suppose socks do come in pairs…
Read it yourself. Amanda Palmer: visionary or egotist? | Amanda Palmer | The Guardian
I am just smelling a rat and reacting. You are right that I missed on my description of this discussion by one level. I noticed that also, after I posted. I’m fine with ranting eyebrow-wiggling passionate discussion of an artists work. Heck, I have been known to do it myself. This is just an unhappy young man who strayed into the wrong locker-room and found himself among unsympathetic people. We like to shout down the sexist morons around here. It keeps the place lighter.
I have been commenting here for quite some time by the way. Save your misogyny argument, it does not apply.
This post from 9 months ago comes to mind: Precisely why the Daily Mail is irredeemable shit
Why is this relevant? What is your point, and how does it connect with the topic at hand (AFP’s response to the Daily Mail) or the discussion of that? You are clearly attacking AFP, but I’m curious why you are doing it right here and right now.
Edit: and if you saw my previous discussion with @raskolnik, I questioned the user’s awareness of the vicious attacks that are made every time AFP is mentioned. I also noted that often these attacks take place passive-aggressively, though in your case, there is nothing passive-aggressive about your attack. It is a smear.
Yeah, it’s a smear. So what? I I do not care for her. Is there a “no smear list” I should consult before commenting here? Is this whole thing not a smear on the Daily Mail?
Then you agree that your post is offtopic. You should delete it.
Which misogyny argument? I haven’t called you a misogynist, I’m calling you @raskolnik’s sock puppet, or perhaps puppet handler. Tell ya what: @raskolnik is a misogynist. There, now have I called you a misogynist?
Either way, your BB profile, while created a month ago, showed only two posts, both of them in this thread, when I made my comment.
Man oh man. What a divisive character she turns out to be. FWIW, though I’m new enough to the new BBS to have only 34 posts to my name (but I had to look it up), I’m no noob around here. And honestly I’m having difficulty seeing legitimate reasons to castigate raskolnik so. Maybe there are those who think BoingBoing is, by nature, an Amanda-Palmer-loving place, but I guess it needs to be said that not every “legitimate” poster hereabouts thinks all that much of her or her talent. I almost hesitate to point out that Dean Putney was among those who Liked raskolnik’s first two comments in this thread.
I’m no fan of her work, though I don’t believe she’s talent-free. She does seem to have a fairly decent gift for self-promotion, especially in methods that turn out to be pretty successful in our day and age, and I can certainly see how she can piss people off, both for sexist reasons as well as for others. Some people just don’t like to see other people succeed.
Whatever. raskolnik said, time and again, how he finds her nothing more than a boring attention-monger. Boredom is subjective, so we can’t really argue that. As for the attention-monger part, well, in that Guardian interview, she had this to say:
“If you stuck me in a room and gave me art-making tools but told me no one would ever see the results, I don’t think I’d have much desire to make art,” she says. “What I do comes from a deep desire to be seen and to see others.”
Not that there’s anything wrong with that in and of itself, but for what it’s worth, most of my favorite artists are those who create their art regardless if there’s any audience paying attention. They create because they must obey their muse, not because they need to be seen doing so. I was a Theatre Arts major in college, and though I never particularly wanted to be an actor, I’ve always known and been friends and colleagues with many actors. Some of those were people who would spend hours making faces into a mirror, practicing voices and characters quietly in a corner, playing make-believe with small children… they simply loved pretending and fantasizing and inhabiting different skins and lives and moods and stories, and those are my favorite people in the world.
And then there were those who just needed to be the center of attention, the Class Clowns, the ones whose mindset always seemed to be, in the words of George Carlin, “Dig ME!” Every spring during pilot season I see a lot of these types moving into the Oakwood Toluca Hills apartments down the block from Warner Bros, hoping to land themselves a sitcom. These are not my favorite people in the world.
I don’t see where raskolnik has made a remotely sexist comment (unless it’s been since I started writing this post), and I don’t believe any of you have, either. My own sexism will be judged apart from raskolnik’s though I might as well admit that I’ve met more tiresome, narcissistic, self-promoting male actors than I have female ones, compared to the “cool” ones that I like of both genders. And it’s also not quite intellectually honest to assume that raskolnik created an account solely to disparage Ms Palmer, rather than this thread coming up coincidentally with raskolnik’s account creation. It may be the case, or it may not, and it doesn’t matter at all. We all had to sign up sometime, and maybe it was to respond to a particular thread and maybe it wasn’t. Whatever. I could just as easily have posted raskolnik’s first post myself, and it’s a wee bit silly to slap down what we perceive to be a locally-unpopular opinion simply because we think it’s locally unpopular (as opposed to blatantly sexist, racist, or intolerably obnoxious). Doesn’t matter that this is a thread about Ms Palmer. We’re all perfectly free to post in threads about topics that interest us, even negatively. Should we refrain from bashing the NSA in threads about that organization? Yes. Yes, you’re being that silly.
You’re not a sock puppet. I retract my accusation and apologize.
I still think it’s not contributing to a useful discussion to post ad hominem attacks on AP in a thread that’s not about her overall persona or discography, but about a specific piece of hers, in response to a specific piece in the daily mail, which spent all its energy on a specific tiny incident at a specific concert of hers.
We should hang out sometime, We’d have a million laughs.
how can his opinion be baseless? it’s his opinion!
Yeah, but going around telling people how boring you find everything is… well, boring.
Isn’t it?
EDIT: Removed insults aimed at another poster – Rob.
On topic: I’m not an AFP aficionado (I prefer her husband, tbh) but I really liked her response. At the very least she seems to have a beautiful ebullient personality, and maybe she has a beautiful nipple? I don’t know since I don’t care to watch a random performer’s nipslip, but in any case I doubt it’s a heinously disgusting and offensive nipple, like a mind-rending portal into the gaping chasm between the stars.
I guess the Daily Mail isn’t one of those papers with a topless model section? It’d be delightful if it was. Personally I don’t mind toplessness but it’s pretty evident to me those tabloids want you to gawk and be titillated by the exposure of boobs, so it’s more winking softcore porn than it is “look here are some gorgeous people who just happen to be shirtless”. I’m fine with porn, too, but it seems incongruent next to news.
We could probably do with more female toplessness in modern media/culture, though, if we’re aiming at something like an egalitarian society. I find it weird that so many people automatically associate female chests (or nudity more generally) with sexuality. I think you’re probably a pitiable person if sight or even mere thought of a nipple, penis, vagina, butt, etc causes embarrassment and/or arousal.
Ya’ll feel outraged yet?
Feelin’ it?
That’s right, there’s your inner Daily Mail, rising up from the loins. For shame. Henceforth we shall ban all visible collarbones, lest our heathen lust corrupt the boingdations of society.
No, I do not agree and did not say that.
Funny Boing Boing commenters are about the least tolerant to opposing points of view as anywhere I have been on the Web. Sorry I have an opinion that does not fit your narrative. Are there rules here that I am unaware of? For Pete’s sake, am I to be censored because I do not care for Amanda Fucking Palmer.
I do think this might need an NSFW notice on the front page (for some values of employers)
I thought the song was quite delightful, quite well performed! I am sure that the tune will be running through my head for days to come!
The linked video is kinda blurry, which takes away from the whole effect. There is a better (and much more NSFW) version on youtube, so track it down if you’re interested, and want the full effect.
And, now that I’ve been on-topic, I feel that I am allowed to go off-topic a little and say OMG, you whiners! Just STFU! You’ve had your say, now, please, give it a rest! Or at least let someone else get in the last word or something!
(I just picture two people like that trying to say goodbye, so long, seeya, later, bye, ciao, take care, g’bye, etc, for days on end!)
The persecution defense. I ask you to tell me how your post is on topic and you don’t. You don’t even attempt to say how it connects. I never attacked you opinion, I attacked your logic for posting it here, which you still haven’t explained. Can you tell me how your post addressed the topic? Can you tell me how your post advanced the discussion? And can you tell me how I censored you or was intolerant of your opinion (and questioning your logic for an off-topic post is not intolerance)?