Man, some people are desperate to prove that anyone who doesn’t like Amanda Fucking Palmer doesn’t like her because they hate women. Jesus H. Christ, it’s okay if some people think she’s overrated. It’s okay that some of us (myself included) think that if she wasn’t Amanda Fucking Palmer exposing herself all the time, raising money on Kickstarter so she can get musicians to play for free, pretending to rape Katy Perry on stage as a joke, writing transphobic songs, and so on, she wouldn’t be famous because there are at least a million musicians who are really good, but not nearly as good at grabbing peoples’ attention with wacky antics.
EDIT: Lest we forget, a poem for dzokhar
The article claims that she is “the sort of person who” does that. She could have said it hypothetically, or hyperbolically, or the interviewer could have interpolated. I’ve been interviewed by the media; they’re great at this kind of thing.
Have whatever opinion you want of Amanda Palmer (mine has gone down significantly over the years, but is still, on balance, positive), but a throwaway line leading an article is a silly basis for one.
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from the Guardian -The singer Amanda Palmer is quite loudly telling me that she’s the sort of person who – when the fancy takes her – pulls out her tampon and flings it across the room at a party. Amanda says she’s never done it on stage, but then she indicates that perhaps she would if it felt appropriate to the moment.
Wow, I must have missed that episode…
Oh, wait, this wasn’t in the weird Mayberry thread. Do you think I didn’t read it?
So, let’s see — you’ve insinuated so far that I’m an illiterate hick. How droll.
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Was your interview in the Mayberry Times?
Just kidding, do not mean to belittle or offend you or anyone else who may possibly be fron Mayberry, have a relative from Mayberry or saw AFP perform in Mayberry RFD.
When they were still using Disqus, the answer would have been yes.
To be honest, you’re sort of skating the line, but it’s mostly (mostly…) because you’re being an asshole, not due to your particular opinions per se.
Incidentally, when something generates a great deal of heat without producing a corresponding amount of light the vengeful ghost of Gustav Kirchhoff incinerates a puppy…
Yeah, I get that. The ultimate irony here is that you’re mocking how Amanda Palmer comports herself in public. At least she makes a fool of herself intentionally.
Huh. I’m not sure what I expected, but after reading the 80+ comments we have so far I’m rather disappointed.
I don’t particularly like who Amanda Palmer seems to be as a person but I can still enjoy this song as both a clever castigation of the “news” and their obsession with the female body to the exclusion of the female-anything-else, and as a funny ballad.
I mean… no one? No one else giggled at the “rare British sun” line? I quite liked it.
not just being, I am one. Common ground rules.
She’s not trying, she’s succeeding.
And I don’t quite understand why everyone but you has flaws you’re willing to admit to.
I too am doing this for attention.
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Treat his logic as you treat your own!
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Oh, I was just ranting. ya know.
Mark my word. We will all see this day as the beginning of the end of the BBS. These clowns are not leaving. (or me either, since I play the roll of clown sometimes, too.)
I don’t think “Best Of” is working. I switched it on and some comments are still displaying.