Amazing live performance of Roxy Music's "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" from 1973

Originally published at: Amazing live performance of Roxy Music's "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" from 1973 | Boing Boing


Early goth anthem.

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I suppose the fate of fictional inflatable dolls isn’t really that important in the grand scheme of things, but I just re-read the lyrics, and I don’t see the doll being “killed.”

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I always loved this performance of Do The Strand

just for the cheeky send up of Strauss after the “weary of the waltz” lyric


Saw them do this song in Toronto last week. My highlight of the concert for sure even in hockey barn environs. Phil Manzanera and Andy Mackay were the standouts, although everybody else BROUGHT IT! Brian Ferry still emanates cool weirdness or weird coolness at all times.
I wished they had done Virginia Plain and Mother Of Pearl and a little less of the Avalon period but those Avalon songs really united the crowd so I guess they know their audience. Avalon always sounds like Brunch Music for A Coke Binge Comedown to me but that might be because of the people I knew who had it on heavy rotation.


Saw them in New York Monday (have covid now). Totally worth it though. My favorite part was screaming “rhododendron” with my friends and Bryan during Strand, but it was all great! And yes, Phil, Andy - everyone were amazing. The tricks they did with the backup singers to give Bryan a chance to rest his voice worked and took nothing away from it (dude is 5 years younger than my dad, I am not going to complain).

St. Vincent was also great, as always

Yeah, I never got that or heard anything along those lines. To me it has always been about how possessions will never make you happy. His ennui is from cutting himself off from human experiences and connections in favor of material possessions (including his inflatable partner)

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Loving Brian Eno’s look in that era. :heart:


I knew exactly what clip this was going to be. Top of the Pops forced artists to lip-sync and air guitar.



Well that sucks!

The Siouxsie at the BBC box set has some fantastic OGWT segments in it. The BBC should release more archives of that show.

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I was going to remark how much the title sounds like a country song.

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My favorite Bryan Ferry stylistic tic has always been his ironically voiced bits like “the Mashed Potato’s schmaltz” and “you can guess the rest”.

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