America outdoes itself with not one but two school shootings in a single day

Prosecute the NRA from the top down. Hold them responsible for these shootings.


Great idea. Who should I call first?

And how can I actually make something happen, unlike the millions of others like me who are already making those calls?

Because the people who donā€™t post on this blog elected them.

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I like wikipedia too, but that info isnā€™t going to get those guys to take my calls. I ainā€™t shit to them.

Well, thatā€™s undeniably true; although the ownership and carrying laws are more restrictive than US ones.

It seems self-evident that Swiss culture is able to live peacefully with gun ownership, and US culture isnā€™t. I can think of only three choices: to alter US culture to be more in line with Swiss culture (presumably including more restrictions on owning and carrying arms), to drastically reduce American levels of gun ownership, or to accept the status quo and incorporate the loss of innocent lives as part of the price of your culturally perceived freedom. What else can you do?

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Now thereā€™s a lot of guys, mostly, with a few women, who like all guns and see no differences. However, I have a different opinion on this, that I can back up with facts. The way I see it, there are three major divisions of guns: long guns for hunting, military & assault-style weapons (including Title II weapons), and handguns. Within each major category are two minor divisions: modern vs. antique/vintage collectibles.

Hunting guns

I have highlighted in bold the areas of concern.

The mass shootings to date have been committed mainly with guns from these categories. Vintage guns are not considered useful by mass killers. They look to pistols, primarily and assault-style weapons second.

The category header is highlighted as well, because there are interesting variations within those categories which call attention to the gray areas, such as sawed off shotguns, which are classified as Title II military weapons, aka ā€œdestructive devicesā€ along with things like grenades and mortars. And handguns as a category is highlighted as well to indicate problems with guns like Mac 10s and other ā€œmachine pistolsā€ that blur the lines.

These are the guns that killers use. They seek maximal destructive power, usually in as small a footprint as they can get. Makes sense too - these types of guns are concealable.

Why donā€™t we find a way to curtail peopleā€™s access to these weapons? If they disappeared from shelves, I wouldnā€™t be too burned up about it. I think itā€™s time.


How desperate are you to own a gun?

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Is that confirmed? If so my guess was right. And exactly why guns are a problem. [ edit exactly one reason why people walking around locked and loaded where there are lots of other people is problematic and creates more of a problem not less of one [ Not you though, other people. You are responsible! ]

ā€œYes but, why shouldnā€™t we do anything about this?ā€

Fuck you.

And any time some asshole shoots someone else because a fight over a parking spot, theyā€™ll lockdown the campus and itā€™ll be on the CNN homepage. More weapons = more shooting but itā€™s cool. Just be carefulband avoid confrontations with people who look angry enough to whip out a handgun.

If I find the content ā€œinterestingā€ instead of ā€œdisturbing,ā€ does that mean Iā€™m not normal?

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Not in the least.

I have guitars and unbelievably loud amplifiers to disturb the peace with.

Then, why all this energy arguing against any restriction on gun ownership?

Well, I do believe there should be restrictions, but not blanket legal ones.

How about a proof of ability test. Insurance. Possibly even a bond for concealed carry permits?

Iā€™m still quite positive that these massacres would still happen, because nihilistic rage still persists, and the perpetrators would find other means if guns werenā€™t available. There are many ways to kill several 10s of people that are even more effective than guns.

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It looks like the Arizona shooting was the result of a fight between frats:

and the Texas one appears to be the result of an altercation between two groups:

I recollect there was a shooting on a Texas campus a year or two ago that was the result of two students getting into a fight, going to their cars and getting their guns, and having a shoot-out that wounded, I think, three people, but managed to miss each other.

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Those are restrictions. Those are the types of things all sane people are advocating. We can euphemize them and not call them restrictions, but thatā€™s what they are.

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That depends on how many toes you have on each foot. More/less than 5 and you are normal, 5 toes, on each footā€¦ get da fuck out.

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A bit meh.
The blood splatter patterns donā€™t fit the displayed action.
See ā€œTom Bevel - Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with an Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstructionā€ for reference.