American courts routinely shackle children

♪ <a href=“"target=”_blank">Ain’t that America ♫

As I frequently say to my toddler, “Don’t drink the bath water.”

Sadism without consent and in a highly asymmetrical power dynamic involving adults and children shares a disturbingly large amount with pedophilia.

If by sadism, you are referring to sexy time between two consensual adults, I don’t have anything disparaging to say.

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Ah yes, beg’n yer pardon ma’am.

When I read ‘2-4%’ in your comment I read ‘2-4% of Catholics’. What you actually referenced was the Pope having said that 2-4% of Priests were likely paedophiles.

Although now I do wonder if the culture that trickles down from those in power in the religion doesn’t influence others behaviour as it develops throughout their lives…

Anyway, I appear to be on a break from thinking at the moment, 'pologies. *tips hat.

It’s the End Game of Jobsworthiness and makes me sick with anger and sadness.

Well, my understanding is that people who are sexually abused are substantially more likely to become abusers, so there is that.

But no apology needed - perhaps I was being charitable but I assumed you were asking for a reference out of genuine interest since I paraphrased the pope. I would certainly be surprised if 4% of Catholics were pedophiles (and, if it were the case, I would take it to mean that the proportion of the general population that was sexually attracted to children was a lot higher than I thought).

It’s a weird aspect that I hadn’t grokked before. There is actually an infrastructure and goddamn culture that promotes and shields from harm, even nurtures such behaviour.

I had previously always seen it in terms of a large institution having weird rules concerning celibacy that had tried to hush up the resulting abuse.

More recently, I’m beginning to realise that there must have existed many societies of child abusers, inside and outside of the catholic church, who were shielded by tacit agreement amongst the powerful members of complicit, culturally influential institutions.

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