Amsterdam tells Britain's violent, drunken tourists to stay away

Originally published at: Amsterdam tells Britain's violent, drunken tourists to stay away | Boing Boing


If only more arenas of human life took this approach.


Y’know, I’ve never seen a Japanese beer commercial that’s set in a bar. Every ad positions beer as a thirst-quenching reward from one’s spouse for physical labour in the hot sun.

I’ve also never seen a belligerently-drunk person in Japan. I’ve met some very drunk people, but their worst trait is that maybe they’re a bit loud, and weave a bit much in crowded arcades near busy railway stations.

I wonder if there’s a connection?


Britain often seems intent on trying to out-ugly the Americans.


Yep. According to some surveys even the British hate British tourists.

And American tourists are largely considered welcome these days because we’ve been trained at home to tip more than most other nationalities. Helps to make up for our arrogance and rudeness.


Shat it!



City, that has spent years advertising itself as a tourist destination with legalised drugs and sex workers, is confused that it attracts people who are interested in drugs and sex.


Next magaluf will be saying its for chess enthusiasts…


As a British person, I hate British tourists too.

Many years ago, I was sat with my wife and a friend outside a bar in Bruges (yes, that one). It was the end of lunchtime and a bunch of mouthy British tourists sat down at a nearby table and started talking at the top of their voices, summoning the waiter over to order beers (naturally) in that way that only they can: “Oi!”. We shrank down in our chairs and started talking quietly as they were clearly casting around for someone to engage with.

We managed to avoid the worst of it but when they came to pay for their drinks, all that they had was pocketfuls of euros coins and they dropped them over the table and ground and then counted out exactly what was owed. Then finally, accidental eye contact, I was busted! “What’s the time mate?”. “Half-past three”, I answer. “Ain’t that typical they all speak perfect English”, he said as they stumbled off into the afternoon. Saved, by their ignorance…


I remember on my first trip to Amsterdam 20 years ago noticing that if someone was off their face drunk or cataclysmically stoned, and making a general nuisance of themselves: they weren’t speaking Dutch. It was always English, and usually with a British accent. Sounds like it hasn’t improved over time.


I know I do, though obviously it’s a massive generalisation. I also can’t think of anything worse than going abroad and drinking in a “British” “pub”.


There is a particular type of British tourist who wants everywhere to be just like Britain (pubs, footie, fish and chips), only with better weather.


And resorts on the Costa del Sol with pubs serving fish and chips and footie.


:+1: :rofl: I’m assuming that’s where you earned the ‘War Reporter’ badge!
The UK’s effect on other cultures makes me cringe.

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I’ve never been the Costa del Sol. The “War Reporter” badge is for posting news about the invasion of Ukraine (which I’ve never been to either).

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Soz dude, flippant comment.

Oh hell yes. But also…

Years ago, I was a couple hours off the beaten tourist track in Thailand. I noted an older (adult children, retired parents) English family staying nearby, and the father was working politely with the kitchen staff to get food like eggs on toast instead of Thai fare. I shrugged him off as one of the tourists you’ve described above. But I was puzzled about why they were here and not a more tourist-oriented part of Thailand, e.g. Phuket.

Later, I got talking to him, and he told about how his daughter and her new husband were doing volunteer work as teachers in rural Thailand. He was so proud of her he’d decided to come visit to show his support. He’d only been out of England once in his life before this trip, and it was by ferry. This trip was his first flight. He was way outside his comfort zone. I felt suitably ashamed for writing him off so quickly in my imagination.

Amidst all this discussion about awful tourists (they’re real, and there are too many), I like to remember this guy too. Keeps me sane.


I guess that helps explain a couple centuries of colonialist expansion…


:+1: I’m also aware fo the irony of commenting on British tourists whilst being a British tourist. :wink:


It’s tempting to make that comparison but, I think that the way that the worst of the tourists behave is more down to fear of difference, rather than a need to subjugate.

I also suspect that the locals also make a healthy profit in many places (the Costa del Sol would be one example) catering to our insular cultural needs.

Empire-building was done by the titled upper classes.