Amtrak vs snow, in slow-mo

Why are snow and gravity and trains allowable at the same time?

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That was great

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I got curious and did a bit of digging. Engine 2304 is an ES44DC,a 4,400hp, 415,000-lbs locomotive. That’s 188 metric tonnes for just the engine. The high end of the density of wet snow is 200Kg/cu.m. I daresay even a slight upward grade would have a bigger impact than all that snow.

I’m not even remotely qualified to evaluate the risk of derailment due to the snow, so I won’t comment on that. However, what I am most freaked out by is how the windshield in that video is almost completely covered by packed snow:

Edit: 5743 is an older engine that was previously used on this line, this one’s actually slightly heavier.


this is 18 inches of fresh powdery snow, being displaced with a long known and documented force, right into the faces of adults.

Do you think they accidentally snowblowed right to the edge of the platform? Is this their first heavy snow with an express train, in Rhinecliff? Were these all people headed to work, there for serious business?

It may have been more than they expected, but people have been doing this since trains.


I don’t see people standing 2 feet away in that gif…

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of course not, it’s hitting a snowbank not just fresh powder. This guy can adult. So can the people in the station. They knew.

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And YOU know this exactly how? Just curious, you seem so sure of yourself and all. If there’s an article somewhere describing this as a spectator sport, I’d love to read about it.

in this video is fine. If ONE person wasn’t fine it would be ALL OVER the news here. And it’s not – not at all. Everyone is ok. Nobody will be suing Amtrak.

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Exact same way you KNOW

“this is large volumes of heavy snow being thrown with amazing force,”


“No way Amtrak would open themselves up to a suit by doing this”

does it annoy you when other people argue by assertion?

I can argue by anecdote too. I know people who do this in the Berkshires.

If there’s an article somewhere describing this as a spectator sport, I’d love to read about it.

is your google broken? Not aware of my old acquaintances having a newsletter, but one of them is truly a Scotsman!


Oh my god! What if rocks! Or twigs! Or icy bits! Or small puppies! I take it this has become the honeypot for concern trolling today. (checks off scorecard.)

Time to go see if I can get my marks for religious intolerance, men talking about feminism, and rehashed gun debates. Wish me luck!


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I vote people knew what was coming after re-watching it. Every single person close to the train has their cell phones out recording it coming into the station.


Someone has a stick in their Platanoides this morning! Reality is, I do NOT know for certain why these people were lined up right against these tracks, and then got nailed with a lot of snow. I think it was pretty clear in my tone that I was asserting my perspective and opinion. I would be quite, quite surprised if this was all intentional, with Amtrak’s approval. I am happy to be offered up some evidence of your own assertion, which google does not make abundantly clear, but you yourself seem quite sure of the existence of. So let’s just do this, let’s decide to be internet enemies forever. I hate you, and your half-baked notions, random person (?) on the other side of the internet! I think you’re wrong, and you smell bad, too.


(The wink was to help you perceive tone – some people have disorders in being able to perceive such things, I don’t want to make any assumptions that you’re not one of these people, of course).

Oh and btw, I’m from western MA, so maybe it’s a “Berkshires thing” that we tend to rely on our own experiences and brains, and not something a random person on the internet has asserted to us.

I said my old acquaintances, whom I knew some time ago, did not have a newsletter as far as I knew, but one of them is a true Scotsman!

However, head on down to the Lee railyard, or even the Historic RR museum in… is it Lenoxdale?.. I’m sure you can form your own anecdotes where people tell you first hand how fun it is.

Assuming you want to hear about people having fun, of course.

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Oh come on, I’m a grouchy old internet trolley, and I hate everything. No fun for this guy, nope, never, I do not support that at all. In fact I’m not sure if I’ve ever had fun in my life.

I guess I need to stand in front of a train throwing a ton of snow at me at high velocity, where even a small pebble into the eye might spell vision loss, to have a good time. That sure sounds fun! In fact I’d be shocked if a GIF of the train plowing through the snow and nailing people in their faces wasn’t just, like, what you get when you look up “fun” in Merriam Webster’s online dictionary.

Thanks for that. I wonder what the front of the engine is made from; something pretty thick, I’m guessing.

Do these people think that because they’re recording it with their iphones that it’s not really happening? Jesus Christ.


Didn’t see this until now-- my comment is essentially the same as yours. “real life? smartphone life??”

I’m new to this; you can tell because I have only the vaguest clue of what the hell I’m talking about. Without search engines and the willingness to be completely sidetracked from paying work, I’d be a miserable wretch steeped in my own uselessness and lack of internet recognition.

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