I had to look up cracker. The Aus equivalent is “skip”, as in “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo”.
It’s pretty funny too.
And that’s why they’re funny.
I had to look up cracker. The Aus equivalent is “skip”, as in “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo”.
It’s pretty funny too.
And that’s why they’re funny.
I remember at a pub in Oz some asshole took issue with me being American and started shouting, “seppo! Seppooooo!” at me. It was less funny. But also nothing I got too hung up on.
OT, but the etymology of ‘seppo’ has always made me smile (if not the use of it) as it involves two transformations - the rhyming slang transform and then the Australian transform of ‘first syllable + o’.
I believe you mean racial epithets.
A racial epitaph is, “here lies a Cracker Ass Honky racist piece of white trash”
Which is what I’ll say when I shit on his grave.
Given that he was assisting his father in chasing down and murdering a black guy for uppity jogging it seems not unlikely that it being a symbol of his heritage and it being a signal that he’s a racist asshole are by no means mutually exclusive.
(More generally, that’s what really baffles me about the “but it’s muh heritage!” school of confederate trinket apologetics. Despite commonly being made in bad faith, it’s also often true; but in the “I literally just said that my ancestors and people I culturally identify with have been into oppressive racial hierarchies for a long time, and probably proper chattel slavery back before the war of northern aggression, as though this somehow makes my current display more sympathetic.” sense; which seems like a baffling attempt at being exculpatory.)
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